M + J or anyone else who wants to help
This is a totally private page impossible for anyone else to find the link unless they have it .
Hello M** – if this gets to you? My you look well…. !!! And
well done for getting out of that biz..
I don’t use any social media and don’t know how it works
(despite 15 years ago being lead most
successful ever campaigner in UK to have it used as a tool of justice)
I set this up to have a look for contacts, and you are actually
the only person I can find hahh hahhh… wasn’t really planning to hustle in to
you but whatever
Oh well.
Mind you as seemingly a very happy parent maybe you are the
one person may GET it.
My own last 20 years have been entirely given over to being only a child campaigner – arguably most
successful ever in UK. Every waking hour. Near killed me. (and children, ONLY
were my only joy in life for 30 years)
One of a few reasons is deep down that drives me is in a story, though ancient history, affecting
the three kids of your short-time mother in law? I think you were married? Maur***’s kids were rather messed with - no one else knows. i stayed quiet all my
life. i doubt my brother was that traumatised but maybe deep down ? was he was so
My own work is not against the pervs, but just for greatest
possible rolling out of peaceful solutions for all children in divorcing or dysfunctional
families– I made a huge difference – I know that.
Anyway long long time - as I was first to ever be allowed press freedom
re a child – its much weirder here – secrecy, than USA, I know. Anyway many have said to me good feature
film. Er** Broc**vich x3 – it is… it is very timely in UK for various reasons,
plus I am probably slow expiring. I am not a cynic and believe have all my life, in good inspiring cinema.
It is a reason I fought my own ‘cause’.
so i gotta get it done now.. maybe you know someone… anyone just maybe may have a look at it…
The bizarre creature, my mother, was complicit in my own kid
being unlawfully retained 13 years ago – near killed me...damaged my lass too.... (I wish no contact with
family – in fact when I was in the thick of this - so so overwhelmed with this important [for
others] legal fight, my brother started to bug me 2005/6 ish about family issues – a mad father on the
booze again – he couldn’t listen to “classic codependent things I hear from you..i
moved on years ago – let them drown in their own boozy madness... I have people to
help and not a second spare in this exhausting legal test case ” )
But I have to leave ‘truths’ behind for the only Clayt** grandchild - so so damaged by them…
though she is extremely literary – I am glad to say you are too (the legal case here
is ONLY as I was literary and imagined how it SHOULD be due the best literature
in me) - one reason a GREAT film
The secret story is here
A page just a few people may see