It saddens me only that this is termed clayton v clayton. It was not. It was me Vs the system, only. There was no position put in by the other clayton and the only other QC on the day arguing against me was "FOR" CAFCASS and the government position (status quo).
Errata - he should have put me under the malicious attack column too...
far more important errata it wasnt his case. I did the important first stage which as a LIP you can do and i knew that before i hired him to do the speech bit at the end: LIP can say what the fuck they want - on paper/ WAS has to be... if it is put in before official legal beagles come along...
That was the plan :-)
Not that it was ever the plan to be up there with all his splendid and not so splendid rogues - George bingo, Max not so sure...harrods and son....ehhh gizza break! ... But then Sean god, changed my life with his superb journalism made it all worthwhile. He suffered....too... MY pride to be in his company even if by the bytes and digits.