Thursday 4 August 2022

Herefordshire "STASI and MAOIST"

(post will be updated with better video by 9am today )

to quote the sadly missed Lord Justice off the his first interview with The Times as new head of the family once again Diplock Courts think it was 2014ish...

Where he stated that he did not disagree with someone who had then recently referred to social services being a bit stasi and maoist - or it may have been Stalinist...

i have PERFECT records of all.... one day a film will be made...maybe soon..i have a gorgeous most intelligent woman i have ever known by far, film maker coming to live with me in my van in the hills soon... i hope. Even if she doesn't, she has made me laugh for some weeks now... really laugh.

But always the rhetoric has been useless on (my) side..

What does Diplock Courts mean?

As well as the literal definition there is the inferred real life definition. Munby HELPED us - me in person in 2005, in preparation for the 2006 hearing on openness. Not ferkin actors playing bumfucked parents but REAL PEOPLE talking to other REAL PEOPLE through the camera lens.

Munby wrote a paper late 2005 FOR me...actually Wall wrote was clear his lovelyh smirk when it was refered to in 2006 in the appeal court, ... stating that now the guillotine is no longer in use THE WORSE  PENALTY that can be imposed on the citizenry - by which he meant WORSE than a full life tariff  sentence in the dungeons with only McDonalds to eat... , is to have children removed. THUS it must be as scrutinised as possible Which doesn't mean only the judges with their spun and PR fashioned public judgements get a say, it means everyone gets a look... a proper one.

The citizenry must see the whites of the eyes of the condemned; make their own mind up too. That's what natural justice IS. Even the ancient Greeks figured that out as rather necessary for stable societies.

But as always so many newer generation clever dick 'campaigners' come and complicate to make themselves look good.

IT - the key, is in the media pages here - these pages,  and also, the facts  - not well simplified by me, in 2010 a truly rotten bill revising my 2006 openness precedent, was rushed through in the washup. It received NO decent scrutiny. Hemming MP the number 1 campaigning MP for openness did not even attend the vote - i know he told me so on the phone the following day, as it was a chaotic electoral period.  Lord Strathclyde would be on the phone to me during that washup stating " stupidest bill he has ever seen" (the regagging bill) 

EVERY journo in UK in spring 2009 knew it was great that i alone (my emails show) "blackmailing" as she put it fabulous Frances Gibb of The Times to write a piece condemning Jack Straw,  bless her... forced him to do a public u turn a few weeks later and stop his then plans for the new bill. 

My video of him squirming stating i he wasnt going to "effectively reverse" clayton v clayton  in April 2009 i think i have to reload i will today

Full section of the program i do have   too long to upload again now (my filestore that other links on other pages take you to i think is closed due unpaid annual subs).

They DON't say: fact, notorious criminal dad got his child back IMMEDIATELY upon return to family court A|p[ril 2004 where extreme oppositional war was waged  in front of senior judge. And in fact Esti was returned to 50/50 shared care within about 6 weeks  - 2 shortish hearings, by May 2004 -  how she had lived with me three years prior.  And that also had been exact sliced down the middle shared care every day of the subsequent 5 years since... 

NO ONE EVER EVER gets that out of courts...unless there is a VERY good reason... they dont ever mention such things of course... make it all about THEM.....

And he is a liar because Estelle was sat with me watching that itv show that day with the letter on her knees we had 3 weeks earlier that Straw knew Frances Gibb  - Times legal ed., also had on her knee, saying just that - the precedent that IS the centrepiece of a millions of quid researched reform (two hmg consultations mid 00s - loads of highest court and top media debate) wasn't being reversed.

Such small lies dont matter in the long run but the complete liars such as McFarlane these days- and the journalists in fact these days, all tell the bigger lie .. this was all dealt with then.. and i am not aware of any headlines 2006-13 (when the new blocking bill got ascent) during the era of the Clayton Lacuna (copyright John Junk) stating "mass suicide in  Middlesbrough after names and facebook profiles of a family at war to the death over child benefit that comes with a  child after separation,  in the family court got leaked..."

Oh by the way all those for years that rudely ghosted... I think they took revenge on me... later that year..(one never quite knows) .but i would not have one millisecond of my own life with the worst of pains subsequently... one second different.

This is the definition of being ..happy.

And summary, forget fights for  'shared care' - and apparently more mothers are wrongly demonised for profit by the whole system which parasitises their pain, in straightforward cases these days , forget forget years of clear evidence social services can be truly Nazi and display almost a 'mass formation' attitude to certain types of parent they encounter and steal mothers' children from them forever ,  quite simply as we see here  - ITV interview i dont talk like that thats what 48 hrs no sleep being a  media tart sounds like,

A HUGE really quite genuine effort over three or four years between a range of well paid 'actors' sorted this simplest philosopical matter out.   Government had several real consultations. CAFCASS battled everyone to block progress and change, and in fact journlism did a good job from 2004ish to 2009 ish (except for Camilla Cavendish - as i can prove in emails from her to me early 2009)   in intelligently debating the matter of open justice via the only thing that matters - no personal details no love  from the scroffulous public.. nor rage from said scroffulites if a fellow public they can SEE is bumfucked to death...

MILLIONS WAS SPENT..many thoughtful people  excerpt Camilla Cavendish had long deep thinks about it all... hundreds of thousands of woman and man hours over 2004ish to 6..then 8-9.... debating this...many millionsof tax payer money .... spent on it all... (including my daughters food the day we went to the 250 quid a icket conference on this in late 2006 all judges there, some top politicos... only because we were was a huge conference ONLY on 'Clayton' aftereffects...shame HArriet Harmon when sat doing nothing and asked if she would meet as superb example of woman at the top..table...snubbed the girl who i wanted to show her to as superb example of fine woman reaching the top table....

whoever plutoniumed the Ruskie a week later  - same hotel...maybe got the wrong date... and a ..gender

Millions spent on it all... even on my daughters lunch...probably Harmon to precious to eat.....

best minds on it for years..great journalists except that of poor Camilla friend of Dave who dun the cuntry in........ all who agreed with me.

  there is only one simple question ever... 

it is the LESSER OF ALL OTHER EVILS that even today idiots read crap bad and false journalism online and quote it to me..suggesting i eat hedgehogs..... blessem...(one became my most cherished new friend !) 

It is tough titties, the lesser of all other evils....that  we can show our faces...even if the silliness of media at times uses the mirror against you...

more good press than bad i think folk have known that for about 100 years...