Thursday 15 June 2023


it was always about 'education' - a truly hard word, for those who do not read now and again a real book - simple easier lietature will do..


hahh hahh i bought it in a charity shop a year ago - rarely, bored... and immediately tore the cover off (cant be seen with this extremist filth..i care what peeps think of me..) , taking it to Aberdovey beach - first time for 13 years i could face that place -  excellent decision - never run from sorrow...

THE BEST SATIRE read for many years... Rushbridger's daughter Emily and How To Kill Your Family..

laugh out loud.

She attacks all the workshops, 'work - on the soul,  yoga brigade, wellness, neurotic body and looks obsessives.... Of her own class. Quite rightly sees through the whole sham.. And her own dad three times... what a LASS!!

A right royal ripping yarn...i suspect the aforementioned (her!) people will be unable to read as they stopped reading anything that may help them stop being themselves... 

and sadly  - it SHOULD be a satire applauded as was Voltaire or even the French woman i forget her name... world famous for magnificence, but i dont think people get any more how satire (especially of the 60s - That was The week That was...actually is why you are not all still slaves to some idiot sick churchy fraud misogynist society...of bigots .. the absurd soul doctor brigade ..of course ruined that.. the ability to read good books... 

and among other reasons i suspect Emily will not even get many book sales..

when she should have had millions

it also allows one to think - imagination...

I do know one thing - no ones fault really except every parent who did not try damn hard as of about 20 years ago to keep their kids reading propper books - Mr potter is not... Gerald Durrel was.. (his Family..)  ... Ring of Bright water and sequels... to Hitch hikers Guide to the galaxy - and all sorts in between... 

Anyway the inability of anyone to read even an email any more... ruined everything.

So i went back over to handwritten letters - often attached as jpg to email to save the ferkin quid..

its funny how when i started to do that a few years ago its almost as if one  has made a death threat (without even being slightly rude..i am not)  the recipient so... aggressed. By real communication...grown ups use

THE RECIPIENT.. meaning a nice letter trying real positive communication about future real life possibility....ref environment they all moan about on Facebook to make themselves, only, look good... someone taken the time to write.. they find that.. hard...

well ferkem...

it is why the environmental movement failed...

AC grayling said (recorded half HOUR CHAT) WRITE THE TRUTH... TOO MUCH IOF A SELF REGARDING DICKHEAD TO SAY B ECAUSE OUR EFFETE GENERATION FAILED TO GET ANYONE TO TAKE ANYTHING SERIOUSLY - NOT SHOUTING... broken keyboard (sss..) no time to change back accidental capitalisation...nothing to shout about just the masses so dull they caNNOT EVEN READ...

pictures of a few churches - one from June 1st..with extremely expensive big posters on their walls emotionally blackmailing their community to pay big bucks - for a faith system that quite clearly failed even to get its own adherents to ever tell any truth... except sometimes into my chronicling gizmos..

much more to get to ...soon..

And only with elegance. If i can ever get my laptop and keys fixed... 

its funny satire ever...!!

as of a few years ago  - after many years of NO MATTER inbound email or text or message of course one must always read and reply to even if "no thanks.. thanks for asking... too busy [being bourgeois].." is manners and propriety..and also keeps the spam filters happy - as it seems only male people occasionally recall and care about being HUMAN...

but some..a few years ago i would in gentle poetical consternation after attempts longtime at real communication - clearly impossible and also proof people cannot read (even my eco scientist ex colleague about MONEY he was getting from someone wanted to meet HIM... and pay)

i sometimes wrote " i do not read email / digital any more.." 

just occasionally

And one would almost be return get an email back!

twice in 24 hrs this week... my my


as if people cannot understand say what you mean mean what you say

i do introduce myself as to many people...

i am a man of my word

And have many to share here and my far far more enjoyed poetical writing elsewhere..

this one just a JOB