Monday 2 September 2024

'social media'

 I don't do.

Only rarely to attempt linking up with a VERY rare seemingly finer mind.

But it is astonishing the one dimensionality of ALL British (blood - i have to add in that as i know one who is different, speaks it mother tongue but her veins run with pure saltpath juice) thinkers, teachers,  so called caring-profession administrators etc.. librarians, except one !!!! she knows who she is...

who for the last few years blame ALL on " well its their social media" - today when the free 15 hours of child 'care' from age nine...months, comes in when they havent bothered parenting the older kids...

And cannot leave their phones alone long enough to be eye-to-eye all the time with their kids even when educated or supposedly not addicted to internet shopping..

Never mind MAKING their kids read plenty of good books! (even bribery allowed - ANYthing to keep them bookreading!) about the only one i have seen for years...

There being ALWAYS a way to balance their kids phone use...always..i did it... 

But even worse, as i invented using homemade broadcasting or  even electronic 'pamphleting'  - which had been around 100s of years, to hold to account intelligently the 'vested interests' be they social workers, or others with power, to Rachman Landlords like my delightful ones for 7 years ...  no one even knows what free speech was...and still is, for... those important things, not made up 'hurt' or offence... endemic.

 The cases in the links (post yesterday) included though many miss, the first ONLY Appeal Court challenge (via written submission) of that very freedom to call out via citizen journalism on (2005)  just starting Facebook even Myspace...

And because it was in front of two of the most senior Appeal Court judges, by design, what they decided in the 2006 judgement was in effect immediate primary legislation. Which as i say was the first demand in a 'test case' to use social media for REAL reasons - calling out tyranny.

 Waste of time the whole land went nuts... 

And will forever now blame 'social media' which is neither  social or was hardly ever 'media' as for 10 years i have also studied trying to find just a FEW sane intelligent philosophical voices on it. especially amongst the 'heterodox' thinkers of the intellectual dark web ( where the USA and some UK supposed most important new minds write and speak)... utter space cadets one and all....

ralphschims soon trying to collate MUCH hard work figuring out ANYThing worthwhile saying, other than marry a European to get your Red passport back one day.....yet another thing i have failed at... despite much trying ( a book in that too) .... as in Europe there are still some great modern literature writers.....who write wonderful LIFE AFFIRMING books.... . none here...only pity pieces about people with things 'wrong;' with them...