Tuesday 22 June 2021

and then the next day

 XXX - (means find exact ref and record it..)


New report or research out stating most of the ftse 500 hardly any women on boards yet!! even i was shocked 

If anyone has the attention span of a butterfly nailed down to just one blog or website for an hour you will find a truly good copyright (i jest i dont do lore)  argument on how this whole legal system wanted women nailed to fucking sinks ...yes...by your Lord Justice Walls and even his weirdo sidekick Brenda Baroness whatever 

NOT HAVING SHARED CARE BY DEFAULT unless very good reason (my legal advance 2005) was specifically to keep wimmin chained to the sink .....

and that is simply a fact any 5 year old could figure...

and makin sarnies for dad as he delivers the big fat paycheck once a week after divorce too busy to even see the kids he once loved for more than 5 mins... to pay for the sarnies, implying the woman is far too ....something one loses track if one dares listen to Womans Hour any more.....  not quite good enough or too menopausaly obsessed or whatever to actually manage to bring home raw bacon too....

And giuess what ladies it is without a doubt going backwards.....come and speak with ordinary women in rural areas of even Guardian reading retirees and the notion men should do half the housework has actually become risky for me to even make a joke about.... as i have been for 20 years as the most basic HUMAN RIGHT of them all.... 

XXX  (20 DAYS!!) so somewhere in this day was that report https://www.bbc.co.uk/schedules/p00fzl7j/2021/06/16  20 days means probably time limited online must find it quick

And then....well i deciced clearly not only did i fail but bad...

Paternity leave...

XXX to critique    https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000wz4c the journalist first indeed NOT-journalist.... why can no one ask the simple question: "hey whats a few grand in debt these days....is there NO way you can just suspend delay a few payments on yer credit all your bling will be bought on......your fancy car payments your other fancy this and that payements.... ESPECIALLY at this time its easy peasy..!  i mean  in fact you may even be able to sell off various unnecessary things so that poor little woman at home suffering as you say maybe wont suffer quite so..have you considered that? ."

oh yes there is one 'fathers rights' campaigner well if he hears of my opinions of his fake sadness and anger...he is VERY big .... and tough... dynamic: i know i still have those whom wish me harm....sad for them....i couldnt care a fig i have great centredness and peace... there's your chance!! :-) .... 

There are MANY fake 'campaigner's on both sides.... like the one who was my almost best friend for a few years and most active in online campaigning - indeed it was his life.... yet when it came to a settlement regarding his kid a few years later seemed unable to demand a shared care settlement for his ex  - a little unwell, would likely return to normal soon.....no, all his, all his... that victory after so many years of .... i am not sure his expressed 'pain' was that real indeed....

to me this issue always was far too important for any fakes.  I gave up being a VERY effective lay legal for those facing child removal (unjustly - one notion they may be druggy or even light drinker i walk away..) ... because no one could answer any more what do you REALLY want? i know many cases that came to me "simon i need you to help me take this public. terrible what they dun..."  were far weirder especially when i would say "papers....ahh obvious your highly paid legal people have failed entirely to do ANYTHINg they are paid for...lets have a month at getting the case where it should be with the judge - i can pretty much guarantee even thick old me can get her more on side...  THEN if it doesnt get better for you we may go public.."

nope there must be a disorder in dsm by now about people who use their phone to phone me and be HEARD phoning me for advice having seen websites saying "splendid trustworthy free advice here" and yet never take this advice or even have a pencil and paper handy ever to write down the advice they say they have phoned to ask for...

however every campaigner i have ever known and every professional cannot simplify the ONLY massive initial remedy.... ATTACHMENTS.... good attachments with one  adult at least in all of youth....  one sane one (you wont figure is dodgy insane later on..) ...i had the best of the lot as mine and no he wasnt my father he loved me for the right reasons far more in fact.... and he is with me now writing this - though 15 years dead...

and every fucker mentioned here on in was why i never got to his grave until 3 years ago....i cycled on hottest day of the year still ill froma  very bad virus long in my body .... up high mountains of Snowdonia...80 miles...on very old rusty 3 speed pushbike ....

near killed me....

but guess what next day i just felt ten years younger..... yes saw his grave.....  and  some weird pathogen that wouldnt stop buggering me about for several years just like that vanished.... my own immunity kicked in even when i was dying of earned exhaustion on the high passes of....