Monday 15 November 2021

But an insight

 Indeed perfect example of those lores of unintended consequences. And thus even fixed constitutions must be amendable over time.

So if all the current moves towards  requiring 'social media' - I misnomer term in itself in that if even major corporations as you to communicate on regular administrative  affairs via WhatSapp as one did the other day, it is simply the default method of transmitting anything almost (especially as quite clearly Mister Bookface has been undermining straightforward email systems for years so that folk may find his Whatsap or Instagram perhaps messaging more reliable).

SO one is persuaded almost cajoled into 'verifying' accounts. Linking them to registered contract phones or the like. There may come a time when other even  more datamining methods are rolled out 'proving' some identity.

At which point the following two things at least become far more likely. Firstly people will become far more inured to putting something online in their name. An interesting recent extensive flurry with a  Canadian mother and documentary film maker revealed that even she and she had made difficult material in the past at some danger to herself, seemed to be of the internal setting  - and she clearly has many friends of her own Cabbagetown (NottingHillish before the richer drug dealers moved in) mentality whereby no one would dream of not existing online in their own full name.

But what happens when as does to a surprisingly large amount of people, some 'civil' or even part criminal - many civil actions have a few other ingredients in them to spice them up, legal or quasi legal action takes place. A settlement over something in the workplace - false allegations or the like with a Non disclosure clause. Hundreds of thousands of legal cases over wills, almost anything connected to the human can end up with a legal case especially children of course, issues with schools - i know  teacher very well and the stories she tells me, misstreatment of people by care or other facilities, including of course medical, and there is some element of you must not refer to this in public. Now in the old days that is straightforward enough but  with probably 75% maybe more  of the population in some way traceable to some online identity with a little hard work that means they are entirely gagged in effect from ever referring to some important aspect of their past. Because one thing is for certain - the snoops and the tell tales, and never mind the council lehgal and other officious staff, they sure adore a little hunt looking for something technically 'incriminating'. As does ever ex or ex employer or ex just about everything in this curious society.

And then we have the inadvertant. But try telling some contempt of court judge it was inadvertent (I never have needed to all my acts ever have been very advertant). Which (just like the meat of the dull legal case highlighted here which no journalist ever had the common sense to write a line about, it really rather depends if you are Sandy Smith or Suzanne double-barrelled and extremely googlable.

But then there is the actual real world buggeration to it all. 

The letter below quite a good example, though I would have to reread quite a few earlier letters and the long legalese initial responses on your tax payers money from the usually absurd Beeb...  just one simplest possible email  - crystal clear what it said, "I would be up for any little joint snippet of film of reconciliation and smileyness if you ever wanted to try and get it made" when in fact I would demand a different journalist at the last minute the one in question being so awful, just used as entrée, because everyone knew she bought mum coffees in a public place and don't we know... not for personal self promotion but because its a lovely thing for a child to see. Mum and dad who had sat together in the same room without scowling may do the same in front of a camera at some point. Such things could in fact end many many more thousands of quid of your tax payers money.

But even the  number one head of so called journalism arrogantly thinks he can 'interpret' some quite subtle legal issue that even the Appeal Court with months away pondering in fact completely misrepresented (not my issue it was a PRINCIPLE taken forward o general default openness,  i never even referred to any 'film' in my copious vicious sedition sent in to them..I had indeed forgotten the email was even sent it was so irrelevent) 

And THAT is the point. To get THIS matter elevated to Appeal it being an action (ex parte gag) taken against me one would initially assume there may be legal aid to explore a defence. Serious matter 4 years (in effect - see below) slammer... Nope, The Legal Services Commission twice - initial hearing then appeal, denied me legal aid on NO GROUNDS TO APPEAL.... Mister so called Justice Hedley's 2004 exparte load of mumbo jumbo he left in place in 2005 when everyone fluttered their eyelashes at him including (jn effect) that oppo litigant " no case presented on need to continue mad gag.." in effect. 

No grounds to appeal - huge mountain of paperwork, what was in fact eventually quite a simple bit of Appeal all the nonsense and hands down win. 

THAT is your perfect kafkaesque example of what the reality is. Some bureaucrat or even worse (and very very often the case) your own legal advisor will either misinterpret straightforward law and block you or advise you to keep stump... and they always do it with the "tut tut....could be very nasty for you if you do not" 

Which would have been Charlie Gard's dad or all manner of others seeking the "oxygen" of publicity. I shouldn't have mentioned that one as i found his use of publicity quite distasteful myself or rather somehow playing to some mob (of Facebook 'activists' which in itself is Miss activist must SUFFER... not just chirp... like my only one admired 'activist' ever... actually errata Tupac's mum too - rare bit of BBC earning their overpaid salaries there... )

But could just as easily be the local magistrate, or more likely his sister who tells you not to write in the local Facebook forum how the village fete cabbage competition was rigged or else the eventual court costs bill one way or other may mean no more home grown cabbages for you..

But we don't want to get into the quirks of absurd UK libel and slander laws, it is about  - this case was created by me  - you create cases! no one invites you to appeal, and EVERY single very chummy legal expert i knew said you would be mad... and actually they did stop talking to me after several years of extreme chumminess, created to get at the root - no one should be blackmailed (the correct word for not being 'bullied' as people have been threatened to keep stump from way before violence was invented), into self censorship on ANYthing unless there really is a very very good universal and well understood by the 'common man' reason which in fact would eventually in an ideal world make its was into the ECHR crystal claro.

And unless it is all crystal claro every lawyer or telephone answer woman at the council on the council tax reduction line will angrily default to completely wrong snotty snide (oh Dell i think at last he is enjoying himself the way Jacinda  has rather backtracked from her yes  very very terse way that was obviously dangerously close to a smiley and extremely tyrannical  Mussolini quite enjoying his tyranny, as even her PR folk must have realised  - actually though i have far more important things to think about than anything current except freedom to express and be informed what a lovely example of why a voice matters as the tone of hers sure shifted very quickly after a little public opposition) 

When the 'rules' are and always will be so complex and hard to simplify then tyrants or just not very bright BBC director generals will think they have a valid opinion. And withhold claimed bus fares ..(only ever direct actual copying expenses and the like claimed never ever claimed any actual damages ) ...or worse... 

And it is the worse that Sue Cameron should have written ten more fabulous books about.

The time lost... the time on volumes of papers faxed to the LSC for example.... the time on negotiating some simple next step when someone thinks they have you on rules you have broken but haven't or one lawyer says one thing another another ... blessem... (and the official figures are something like across all legal services uk lawyers are 3 or 4 times dearer in average than US lawyers ! sneaky buggers manage to spin that one well!) 

You think that a simple complaint about a council official who overcharges you on your council tax bill when you have been ill a year and on sick pay and shouldnt have been paying full rate cannot escalate into something and my my how they love to " we didnt give you permission to record the call you are breaking the law if you put it online.." default when that law i believe is quite clear ! and has been since dictaphones were invented! ... the judge can listen to it if she wants but cannot use it.... to judge...

In short all those middle class bearded hipsters with good media studies degrees... wait til you have realised you have years of drudgery as spin doctor to some messianic bbc exec and turn to the drink a little more than is wise and forget to turn your phone recorder on one evening after work and get a grabbing his knee false allegation... that gets you suspended... then sacked... then gagged when the industrial tribunal doesnt do its job properly either.... ....  then you'll bloody well wish you had taken the time to go and se the funpacked film  (sadly there will be few ferrets as they were all massacred by one or other authority! oh yes and  a close rich friend of my family... i hadn't met for years.... with a very unique name.... 

(ned a break see films below of ... fun! real fun.... i could monetsise them millions i have but never ever cheat or clickbait... this alone deserves some help...some leg up... because its for YOU... not me... it bores me to tears how ignorant and even the so called educated friends of mine go off on tangents and cleverdickery....  it was as an EXAMPLE... only... there are a few areas of lore where 'traditionally' which is a big word for pig lovers like Cameron and his mates play with law complicating it so the ordinary citizen dies of exasperation or dehydration from licking all the postage stamps sending many a letter to his own lawyer like Helen Tank clearly she had not read when she replied.... (2002)

A few areas or ordinary life, which in the uk is in descending order, cheating, ie sharp elbowed monetary gain or someone elses loss, then children, and health, cleared up in respect of the NORM will be the right to at least stick a few pages of evidence and commentary on your communication tool you may have accidentally set to 'public' post last week and forgot to unset.... 

A few cases trying to get the overall 'culture' changed   - mine as example if you can do kids...well you can sure do mere work related lying about who did what in private without her recorder on.... fool should have remembered to keep his on.... 


 Guess what fait accompli as My true literary heroine so Yevgenia beautifully describes in Into The Whirlwind  is truly truly good for the soul, psyche. spirit ... pain thresholds.. the whole lot. 

You never ever know how you feel until the 'worst' has begun in reality... the anticipation is the killer. And exactly the same applies to speaking openly about personal matters connected with children just as a rather bad example - in the long run in the parallel universe where that is compared to this it may indeed be very good for their mental health and maturity circuits... all we know for sure is here it couldn't be any worse, on both counts.

Indeed adapt is the wrong word - that's the problem with graduate cleverclogs thinking and lexicon in uk its just entirely wrong - i study it. 

When as i was told in 2006 just outside this VERY expensive conference - many thou probably hundred thou on this issue once more that one day, that all our phones were routinely monitored and email of course, by a certain chubby bad publicist's personal special branch paid friend, yes at first even as no surprise but it hurts a little.... 

Then in time you realise no there is a fait accompli genuine silver lining, that I better be prepared to stand by absolutely anything i ever say or write or even do....

The nword in the pile of logs no one will ever help chop any more of course is need it all which may be days and days...and the ones with 'time' free as they stole huge pots earlier up the track from some other poor person or big business.. have time free to really really do the hard work presenting to 'authority' excerpts... missing out more tan slanderous lines to best mates by fakebook about mouths frothing for example...

oh what a lovely lovely example even if gagged...

Irrelevant wouldn't waste my time as no one seems to know any more what free speech was for - all of us holding not only others to account but being held to account OURSELVES... and when one ponders almost anything indeed may well be one day published then that is gorgeously liberating if you feel good about yourself beforehand my you get even smugger... 

But you also get mentally VERY VERY VERY nicely sorted out for life thank you very much - when you realise that having to supress anything is so corrosive, pity only those who have lied about me in public, some hand on some bible even... pity only. 

And it is for them .. only them i wish also absolute default freedom to share.... (statute of limitations should be 3 years on everything except axe murder ) .. freedom to let out release speak share....

everything. Is good for everyone. Or almost all. And i have studied many years and many years pondered the very latest true if it ever can be thought on the mind and how it works... and this one is a perfect example of why their so called expert work does not work as they cannot research.... secrets... by default truly dodgy secrets you aint gonna tell your shrink or gp.... are you...and they really do cause twisted bitter thought which in turn causes cancers or the like and no one not even Donald Trump enemy of The Enlightenment would i wish even a bad cold  because it's all just politics....  by even pondering how olk may best be kept quiet you are just playing politics. In fact i would love to know of there have been studies in the us about violence done towards folk who wrote  not so lovely things online about others they know or can be traced by in person. I just suspect  that it is far far less of a problem than may be assumed. Indeed i bet it is worse here where we have a culture suggesting various things are over lines (i mean the high bar lines nit the obvious genuine incitements). I assume which of course is wrong but i would be t my ferrets on it that people do not get so uppity at the idea of what is shared online because it became normalised... 

Free expression is for many reasons... many. And we are very clear even if they are perhaps wrong headed on the extreme cases where the line has never been challenged or rarely is - having watched Mister Unabomber hoist himself on his own loony petard from his own gaol house,  with his own actually real Miss Anne Thrope sad banter i would never look him up again.  But if i cannot be free to make my own mind up as is far more the default cultural setting in many aspects of uk so called law  no better than folklore much of it... y'all being treated like children.... 

me i grew up. had no idea what it was really 'for' myself until i saw many case sof folk gagged and supressed for truly heanous cruel acts against them....

which NEVER happened to me - that whispring campaign my oh my legal code for ignorant gossip...

the amount of idiots i met even around Hay-on-Wye busstops say 2005 .. even 2006 7 ...9  

"ehh... I am the ONLY one who got his kid back in RECORD time like within weeks ..... most would never have seen their kid again ..... . read between the lines there must have been a little more to it....i am the one NOT hurt by any system....  the only one ... i wish to explain why... because i would wish the same for anyone else....".

nope not possible to get through  even when they see you with the happiest lass by far the town had ever known.... (see vids)  

Again another proof almost my my we need to be able to shout about the truth from every platform there is.... 

SO i will....

in time.

But need help !!

Oh yes... freedom to express or tell stories. One is not. And it is far far far more real and sad than any pictures of paper up there. It is the rug in the background. One of my very few favourite slightly exuberant spends... fourty pounds i recall....

Despite seeing me many years with even some of her friends and certainly my child not too far in age from hers... the vicious rude ... what a better word for worse than rude... inhuman... i need time to be bought to finesse...  the most unpleasant and arrogant conversation ever in my life... " its only 40 quid on the seconds rail... i mean what do you expect see it in the sunshine..." actually she was even nastier. 

But i wouldn't even wish her a sniffle from behind her mask.... but truths should always be told eventually.... or get a life and don't bother thing is i have a reason i must. One person does need to know at least some truths one day because I have studied alll my life all sorts of approaches to keeping stump and even young thinkers now are realising..."never" ... sooner or later you need the truths out... better out than in ... and i think they are transgenerational (please not spelling dont scan) .... AND SHE WILL ALWAYS MATTER.  No matter what... 

 but this is confined only to the core simpler principles behind matters 2004 ... oops 3....well we have to have a bt of 2 in for contecxt but it must be graceful as Miss Always Matters  needs the graceful version so be it..... and summer 2006 .. it ends there... there's absolutely mountains more one day  but i think we shall leave it at that ...unless.....

well i have found the deepest lessons and gifts in all... but that no one would believe except the half a dozen mothers who see me often enough and now i was in 2020 all year by far the happiest and most content person for many miles... they would say so, Still do.  Even facing ultimate cliff edges in 2 weeks so sorry folks i am very very busy and thats rare.... so keep it to the point.... i am ultra multitasking genius - another silver lining from having to fax 500 sheets a day while  dealing with every beloved second of a lovely child dancing in ones office.. 

Abd this anything that can be done... will be the most efficiently pushed out book film whatever you have ever known. And no false smiles, they got us - these lands, here in the first place.

Freedom to write up nicely and poetically just how rude  - really nasty, that Hay-on-Wye rugseller was....  that too should be not only one's right, always, but certainly in that case, duty... no personal comment about the twisted countenance... just facts. In all my life i have never known anyone so ignorant about simple propriety ...never mind rude. And i been many many places.

For her sake of course because its astonishing how unwrinkled you get when you do know that anything can be said ... and there are those making stuff up too.... and you realise the great eventual answer to that'un...

Disclaimer: this is so badly written it is daft. I am writing or have been several far far far more interesting and genuinely risky things that i care about - some time in the cauldron. One is about some terrible wildlife crimes as as a conservation minded roamer i have monitored some years. If i wrote them up, and published those many thousands of photos and hours of film,  i would be hurt. But will...when i move. That is the reality behind these things. Even here in Peter's Woodstock of the mind i have no interest in....sorry... PR and spin.... even the churchy cruelly destroy protected critters not too far from his old base...  and no one seems to understand that  speaking about protected critters being buried alive around even here one would actually need actual protection.   never mind the actual net effect of all those Guardian Readers downshifting over to safer regions especially from summer 2020, no doubt on their way up reading out articles to each other "oh darling terrible how these ordinary country folk are so priced out of their regions now by  people with southern incomes or city pensions their children cannot afford to pay back the dinner money owed  and get kicked out of the queue if even a penny outstanding.. how far is it ... i do hope the cappuccinos are drinkable here i would miss that...don't care what i have to pay  as long as..." 

And i write a wonderful thing about some kids.... randomly... my oh my we had the happiest winter ever by far...gathering, me and their ma's ... unlawful gathery* ... all winter last....  that is full of life and smiles and the best of energy,  and what really does make a positive difference for kids... quite a few at one time or other - living on no matter what and putting them first no matter what... this a thieved hour here and there ...from things that are far far easier to poetically pontificate upon... and would be gagged too if a certain person or two had their way....  but for the opposite reasons to the norm.  And no one will ever know that was me. Sometimes the person just gets in the way of what has been so beautiful a time for a few  its daft.- all good burghers well 'respected' in communities. And they know not to spread ignorant gossip about me, because they saw exactly the opposite in real life. Day in and out no matter what the weather or whoever else  around so sad and sometimes bad....

* - though yet again a superb example of two things - what interpretation of lore would apply...afterall animal welfare usually trumps all hurdles ... and just how with it you must be with all this pandemic of assuming ongoing years, but that has advantages too, such as recalling almost to the word the other word for gather i made up elsewhere  - unthinkingly, clever recall most essential, as likely is quite googlable so will morph it  into some other form here. Because this need to self censor is so so everywhere.... even when you don't break any crystal clear laws. A whole culture to work on..... great worthy  future project for someone And i can quite assure none of the usual (paid charity or worthy organisation) suspects like Index on censorship have the slightest notion of the real world of it all...or care...   children should not be left to work on fundamental grown up matters of deep philosophical import.  Which take a lifetime or at least a few real life decades, to LIVE the consequences of before one is ready to begin to understand any of it.