Sunday, 14 November 2021

 This site to be tidied up.... the end for now. 

It is the end when, as i sometimes do, I attempt straightforward pleasant gentle conversational questioning of 'likely candidates' whom may actually have pondered what the real medium term effects of a society not understanding how important it is to be relaxed about writing or saying pretty much anything. Like for instance so called 'subversive' bookshop owners, and as no one buys much other than books about the outdoors so as to give them as gifts to mates implying the donor actually goes outdoors (and as i am often on the famous tracks of my region i know that 99.9% never do), he should have time to ponder where we got to as a society on the uttered or scribbled word, and all we get - so angrily in fact,  is "well if someone writes all nwords should be cworded ...well .." 

In short this dystopia of radio 4, Guardian, and other mainstream so called  thoughtful media which for some years has had every self selecting (cheaper journalism - they love an email from some journo its what they prey for !  and wouldn't even ask for a taxi fare if invited in to the studio they are so desperate to moan about their online moaning at them ) moaners has so polluted the actual time immemorial reasons that by default the default -  to speak out, because it is what humans do no matter what the gagging court may think...must be protected.

Because vested interests, big corporations, chumocracy or rather just shabby provincial lazy people with jobs because chumocracy makes them sound far more interesting than they ever could be, power... has more elves than you so as to figure clever sneaky ways of shutting you up... 

Not that i have the slightest interest in anything after 2006, I have  a list. It is not random, as i seek the very few wise people left. Bizarrely chubby chops who ruined it - Pilger being a grown up, clearly doing extremely boring very very hard well reffernced work on his discoveries, Michael Moore and his chummy but ultimately so often sensationalised flimsy media offerings - flimsy in that real proof is hard work and he cannot be bothered, which devalues anything he does especially set an example.... has a good line or two on his website or whatever encouraging any inbound digital  'bigotry' folk wish to send in,  and he does it in a humorous way which any 5 year old would have had emotional intelligence classes on  decades ago well before emotional intelligence was created as yet another absurdist failed phrase to create apartheids based on mindfulness courses only the rich thieves can afford...

I met a man once a very very violent and toughguy brutal  man....threatened in public - well is the stone hotel "public"? to murder me..(because i had attention they all were envious about) ..... he meant it especially as he was surrounded by his mates doing the same time as him where ones word is all one has....and somehow we found a peace  - i didn't say anything but gradually over a few days ...well it is impossible to put into words what happened, as it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life... that day in the phone queue just him in front of me... he turned and didn't do what he said he was going to and... said something human.  Even he knew we were both on the same side in the end...

But that's for another day, in other days gone yore I am quite sure that in the office of some politician famous businesswoman, journalist even,   they would rather look forward to the weekly session of having a damn good laugh at the latest crank mail pile of dogdirt ... even the odd envelope containing just that a grown up would perhaps have smiled a little or at least found a silver lining 

" boss i think  this is grounds for a pay rise..." 

"that's what you are PAID to do.... as you well know.... there's the door, plenty more where you came from.....your choice to stay or..go... "

Yes i have a list somewhere - not of the 'resilient', but of the very very very few public personages who understand that the way to make sure the idiot writer-in gets bored is to laugh .... if there are photographs of child on the school bus and specific threats about, say as schools do in uk still, poison her by giving her a sweet for each sum done rite, that's genuine real harm and  that's long been illegal and gets porridge .... otherwise  sticks and stones... and great humour as querulous rejoinder really really does work even better... 

My oh my how the self regarding media making  up confected harm for their cheap journalism have really really ruined your lands...and even the mind of the subversive bookshop owner where he shows off all his highbrow subversive democratic books.... no one buys...he clearly doesn't read... and doesn't understand either that he is only allowed to peddle such 'filth' (many passing will thoughtbubble)  because hundreds of years ago people like William Hone (was rather good in fact for Hislop i have a recording can email to anyone who wants as meany beeb take stuff off often after a month just because they CAN...  ) did in fact die if they lost their fights ....just so that i can freely make a joke about anything i want... especially him.  And allies on the side of 'free speech' or iterations or endless need to question how the VIs may be closing things down, need to always be allies....  which no one in UK even the bookmen can get any more .... 

And thus... film, and leave... exile... most happy exile one day and for the first time ever in my life I certainly shall not be taking my windup shortwave radio to tune in to the World Service.... it is as if  we cannot be allowed to hear both sides of any issue any more... only that self-selecting person to whom harm was done....  and only a certain kind of easily pigeonholed 'harm'... when any grown up knows there are so many other forms of harm in fact worse in many ways... and quite a lot of them in fact are proto-gaggable in UK... in all sorts of clever smart alec ways... 

which is why the purpose (my material)  is only to inspire (yuckword) ...energise... : be prepared, you never know when the gulag tyranny may may come your way.... randomish.... and if you can settle down and figure if you can a way of just maybe fighting back ... through their channels... it'll be really really hard and white knuckle and few will even understand what you are up to but ... keep at it, some idiots may just manage to make it matter...

A bit...

until of course every so called 'campaigner'  - many even get crowdfunded or charity expenses money the last decade....absolutely failed to maintain solidarity and focus and retain certain simple well regarded legal evolutions.. a mature person knows that a position won must also be boringly defended - maybe even for a few decades...

why the fuckers sneaked back in the almost by default gags... why i never ever speak to anyone ever who is in the last decade cohort of the so called justice warriors - they failed... they do not even understand the simplest rules of being a  warrior - you need at least a few loyal allies. (my it is extraordinary - total Monty Python.... one of the ones makes a big noise on facebook about apocalypse of unfathered kids  - continually slagging off the justice system....a trustee of a famous child charity... seems to make a LOT of money from fostering  type child ...utter dystopia.... why society NEEDS some next generation warriors this person i doubt they even know they are the personification of Orwell's smelly farm.... because of course the same 'wall' has so many sexy profile  photos...of someone well into their 60s by the look of it.....

My purpose is only one: if you are 23... 25...maybe 30 or 35.... and see a real madness - its all just Kafka ...if you can quantify the Kafka ongoing in some situation - which you may not be able to as its all a bit scary and the quality of writing, education,  commentary in uk is frankly Teletubbie.... so it isn't YOUR fault  but if you do se some common sense complaint ... go for it ... it'll cost you...not money - the tougher things, friends, time,..... and money as they pretend they  never got your registered mail even Appeal Court staff so you have to resend it and there is no appealing to the stasi operative at that desk....

but if you can ...write poetry about their angst and really is the only way through 

And also try to bear in mind if you do get anywhere you will be in fact having experiences that will make you smile the rest of life... i mean wandering around the RCJ with naughty Hock one day... him smoking weed. just because he ..well...

And the moment we opened the envelope with the gold medal contempt on page 1.... our ugly mugs there, when under sentence of choppin',  just a whisper.... and it wasnt OUR fault -  

And the moments ... one referred to on the new temporary unredacted page site.. where you learn what being a real grown up is and somehow as an inexperienced previously quite mute yokel, learning to talk to journalist women in a way that worked - giving them the harmful (to others) real truth for context but explaining that they are being trusted to not include that material as it serves no good to anyone...could do no good and good matters especially when a child is named..... and learning some people can spell the word honour. So be like that the rest of your life, too...

But never ever ever feel sorry for yourself, if you possibly can find a way as we all hurt, and even official  psychopaths have feelings one discovers in certain places -  one armed robber one night crying into my lap that he only did it - all of it...  because his dad never paid him much mind in his nipperdom, and he needed to prove he was something....

because you just never ever know And what next is all that ever really matters.