Wednesday 24 November 2021

Far more important

 In fact unless one sits way back in your armchair, and actually thinks, some original thought, unlike all modern armchair activists who have myopia and just masturbate to what they see on their screens, one cannot see.

Something that is important and indeed 2020 enhanced and continues in fact worryingly continues rather a  lot.


The issue and reason why freedom to write or share a story of injustice or bad practice, and freedom of the ordinary Joe to be informed about that - make her own mind up, so beautifully personified in the only  great book of this century Mars Room where Rachel weaves in some rather good passages italicised...and you are lying on your sofa midwinter utter hellish coldest house in the county where i live...  thinking "hmmmm lovely passages.... why are they italicised... surely.... nohhh they cannot be...  quite quite inspirational.. the bit about he wants to bash up all the nasty  i would love to meet whoever wrote this... beautifully written in parts....  truly brilliant in fact and what's Rachel doing? ... surely she cannot be..... nohhh you cannot weave in to your literature book that shouldv got the Booker pathetic judges so precious and formulaic as people....  noh surely it isn't him.... she has plagiarised and turned into the gorgeous poetry of her truly wonderous book not about a duffed up woman The Guardian doubtless will review but a universal shining the light on universal prejudice and tyranny.with some good inside did she know that frig i would love to have been in the cell next door to her even if you would have to chop your own balls off [actual scene in Booker nominated book so fuck off with assumptions] she has them.."

So  of course curiosity eventually grabs anyone despite big tech saving your 'search' history for ever and some future fed will pick one entry out and use it to besmirch your perfect character (as in farmers wives encourage their daughters to know me.... )  which is the way the so called 'justice' system in the uk works....yeeehhhhssss.... quite shocking and neigh Orwell giving one to Kafka up the passage where it hurts (not that i would know) and actually having a baby as according to bbc i am sure that is possible too nowadays, indeed i am amazed world service hasnt had a real life true story about that yet...and on your taxpayer dosh too....

And one googles, his manifesto... yes Rachel you naughty girl.... a bloke wouldn't have gotten away with including tracts of The Unabomber in his book... sexism dominates as usual nowadays.... 

But then who is this chap... as a pacifist one doesn't even ponder such people, fast forward a dull night one winter curiosity...takes one to the actual interview with the actual chap in his gaol, which to the infantile English is just too much...  

And what do you know... "hear both sides of the argument" can never better be personified in " my oh my... quite obviously sadly ill chap with dangerous psychopathologies.. wouldnt want as a neighbour never mind let loose in society without a lot of help the Norwegians do quite rightky eventually for anyone.... .must have had a terrible upbringing poor man... but we shall not be looking at any of his words again .."

Anyway oxygen...

Every handsome smarmy or even not so hansom and still smarmy internet (which IS media even if BBC think their brand of largely  entirely confected moaning will save them from it.. i mean even the meanest musical organisation in history which spent ALL the 00s copyright suing and blocking off youtube the greatest music ever except from Kevin Coyne and Joan Baez who were better last year gave it all away for free...all of it... or nearly...) 

all the interviewees or podcasters if we must use that silly word, broadcasts.... became so so so smarmy and you have to realise about ANYthing in 'public' this self obsessed version succeeds in the west... and this self pitying version even Douglas Murray sort of rather skilfully plays out...

That their words.. their deplatforming or whatever else matters... when the topic is provocative or otherwise slightly subversive words... that is HOW THEY GOT FAMOUS.... famous people NEED to carry on being famous...

they do not really care about the huge majority of ordinary people who are supressed by gagging and default to employment tribunals being in 'secret'  because they cannt care because they are not interested in anything that will not make them look slightly edgy and cool.....about words...

free speech the real human version is only about ACTION. The woman who is in a secret employment tribunal not far from me after disgusting allegations to sack her ...  wants 'justice' in the ACTION of someone puttinga  few paragraphs in the local paper. which will ACT to fuck up the arse the shareholder value of the share holding of the corrupt and greedy smarmy carehome owning company



so so fey and clever.... so so seductive.... on 'woke' on all sorts of utterly irrelevant nonsense 

and by using the words 'free speech' in the context of what grown men should be able to figure that tweeting is for children ...

freedom to publish was always only at root to hold to account bad seriously harmful ACTS... period....and if the bbc spends years of air time every year on periods which have been around since the beginning of time  that is the worst of all journalism showing they should be shut down, for sure,  but saved from the Douglas Murrays of the world who are taking over too...

And are playing ...with YOU....

Only understanding the real ordinary man on the clapham omnibus reason for what free speech is FOR ... matters.  But your problem is the gatekeepers of any public platform think it is about THEM...when by definition they have rarely lived in the real world... so do not know what it is. 

and al they do is suck the oxygen.. out and away from the 'argument' which affects so many ordinary people day in and out.... who by default as its the SYSTEM  do not understand where the line is the legal line in these always overcomplex " oh this is for the benefit of the children / the vulnerable old person  in the care home... " ad nauseum  designed to be ad nauseum to bully you nicely with a charmy smile into being so confused you keep....quiet.