Volataire would know and Montaigne be gigglin in his wormy place even if its volume three one day hence, and perhaps hard to quite formulate into beautiful Burkian bullshit language just now, freedom to maliciously communicate [as two real intellectuals, sorry banned word in this land of uppity Teletubbies] the most maliciously bullying undermining white trash and every other bit of piggery language there ever was, but with such artful grace especially based on mutual mixed feelings about the once great until he thought he would become a journalist last year ex comedian Stuart, all underpinned by a mutual love of a certain Bard and some of his warbling...far better than any mere Shakespeare, even if woe is me my main Socratic Wiseman despite his elder years had just a day ago never actually heard of Voltaire, so we have such a problem even communicating in these lands....
true freedom to.... find where the 'line' is; and love is knowing there never will be one. Because only eye to eye is real. And when ours meet .... well we just cannot help, start.... finding words to, try and....
No holds barred, none.... that is equality. Sad that so few get it though in this land, it's white lives that matter, brown doing just fine, i cannot recall half the names of the so called social commentators and journalists but can and always will recall the superb perfect ultra mature and beautiful rhetoric of two people, after a bit of unauthorised shopping a decade back, Jay Simmons and Sheldon Thomas of the projects no whitey i have ever heard manage such perfect words about that mess, never mind their successor her who had the beautiful balls to basically say " oi Talibs you missed... here is my other eye.." and make jokes about no human rights in her house, despite being world famous quite rightly so for them....
And i do not even need to think any more of where it is, 28 minutes and 30 seconds in.... the amount of times i have shared with educated women of the world of places like Hay awful lost themepark festival of nothing but hot air
"the way to get through to folk has to also be.... humour... i was never much good at until i learned it from the world genus of it....have a look at this"
and no white child even your Oxbridge lot has the confidence to do what a true woman can do....
make a joke at herself
But tis also extraordinary how no one, well just one or two i know eye to eye spesh the colour-blind chubby builder, actually understand the emphasis on two words....
in the few lines that alone are worthy of a Noble...
oppression is cruel TUTOR
and injustice is a NURSE ...
as seems to have occurred in Jay and Sheldon and many others from Benjamin Z to their lass of the most beautiful so called deformation ever ...
And even he.... incorporated, at last let it out to see the sunshine and light of day for free just a few months back....so so long trying to keep it copyright hidden...
no more ... all wisdom needs to be for free...pay only if you think it is any good.
And that our yoof no longer understand those few key lines, is why everyone with half a brain not ruined by superstrength greymarket viagra.... should leave this "dump" ...but that's in another book....