Saturday 20 November 2021

ohhh my god...

 actual real live (like now) 'free speech'  - your only one worst enemy -  even if i have none,  due past acts. Recent. Confronted. 

I care about animals cruelly snuffed out. Spesh when its very illegal. whether or not there were 

...censored..... see there we go can't say anything in the real world  especially one of so called caring progressives and nce eco custodians....who don't

How bizarre...maybe she 'got' it at last - just about the most waste-of-time  environmental..... censored... chanced upon eye to my she had a start. But handed over the email printed out which he will know was sincere having confronted him gently....

...her man dying... too lost to check his email...

which upon review was ever so truthful about the rest of them... their 'B' list 'friends' ....selling 'snake oil' hahh hahhh 

between the lines:"i dont care about the past, you are dying now.... 

"no matter what ....the best medicine is hillwalks with me even if you are on crutches or waddling...i will volunteer and can wait between sitting down as companion.... this will keep you alive longer....." ACTIONS speak louder than any words....  a text back....impossible. All impressions garnered from bullshit I am some loon .... put aside...act only act. 

 cancel all free speech thoughts they are just notions. Even if i really thought that bit of printed out speech more likely to end up with plod.... which is their latest, well last decade or so, image control  hobby. All that matters is what next. Actions!  fuckety fuck* i was really hoping i was going to be ghosted by him or his aristo gatekeeper as by everyone else...what a bore that will be but then ... "say what you mean, mean what you say", a speech passed over at my dinner table 17 years a mere 6 year old... originating from the most pained and dangerous sad hurtful man on the planet.... but his words were good - never ever personalise  the wordsmith if he can bring in to your life what became your mantra no matter what in ensuing years and now you gotta stick by it.... even if of course he could never even understand their meaning himself. even with  £100k of public money leveraged  into his games and sad static filled head...(was always use women in legal maters to assuage their....what exactly? none of my business....)

please covid be as virulent as the bbc say you are all day and night day in and out rather than telling the folk the remedy, get hillwalking especially on sunny vitamin d laden inter ones, and come and take me away from this endless dull misery.. of only being not ghosted by the only person you wanted to be ghosted by 

* - exactly..Mister image control supreme, how pathetic... earlier recording a few days ago....

here. Al.. Especially him...  basically grow up and go and enjoy the LA whores rather than waste ones time getting everything wrong here, in the land of curiously perverted free speech paradigms....  but what lovely words he brought to us. So use hiw words when appropriate with no chagrin... only a grin at the wonderful art in them. 

Which brings us back to Julia Roberts in my sick mind.. Erin got a lot mote rightful attention because of her .... me not stupid... 

How to storyboard without the  clickbait of Julia ... gotta be good - very good... and i don't have the time !!! all this ghosting and pretend interest.... by those close by. to just write it up a bit better .... time costs money especially when all the fake countryside ,overs bought anything vaguely affordable for many a mile...