Saturday 27 November 2021



I have NO interest in anything after 2006  - though the 2008-9 phase of defending the test case principle against sneaky Jack Straw was interesting (they announce their "we have listened to consultations and opinions...and are now announcing new statute." just before Christmas (08) when they they have had several years to work on revised statute - to incorporate clayton v clayton primary legislation precedent- so because the most senior judges adjudging means it becomes new law in effect from 2006, especially as no one  - no journalist, no judge had actually written anything was problematical where we had been for  2 1/2 years , and Straw and co knew full full well that the interested parties - mainly family types....would be busy with ferkin Christmas and may not notice..his hoodwink to parliament..... that is the playground behaviour of these highly paid lizards..)

But what was so interesting - 2009ish on and then in several regional interest of mine - defending the environment in several ways,, and also attempting to bridge and coral the many freaked out of the region as of 2016 - most incomers who bought all the cheap housing, while reading articles in their Guardian about the nasty southerners buying all our cheap housing on the way to see the estate agents, were pro EU.... every single 'activist' such a trendy word for someone sat in their armchair on Facebook,   or far more proper word,  citizen, trying to be citizenly - doing things like start petitions, or   when folk had a brain write proper letters to their MP, then go and see him face to face... became so flaky there is no hope. And then ego battles - everything on ones own 'side' becomes this awful time and energy  wasting ego battle. 

To get a      CAUSE    through you need a few people on the same 'side' who keep to the simple core principle that has been well debated over a period of time  such that there is good understanding and focus and then solidarity on THAT core issue....not some new way of looking at things to make the looker look good...only...

solidarity sounds like a word from some 80s cartoon..... nope...any cause requires a few people keeping to the simple core issue 

Yesterday there was at last a vaguely honest 'activist' speaking of her past on wireless four

with the wow new word !!! 'depolarizing'.... so her and her interviewer look good...

Now there may be some core value in her admission that  the cause and effect of her work was flawed - most people act with fairly good intent.... but are unable to stop and listen " we discovered 2004 on  !!!!!! we had moderated simple good quality email forums at families need fathers... for example....  very polite and generally fairly good quality debate though the moderators refuse to allow anything outside the box in reality  ... but as soon as things loosened up with internet becoming more unmoderated facebook etc it ALL fell to pieces...  not because of 'offense' but because of no one reading anything CAREFULLY any more and even worse every butterfly in the world coming along and putting some 'comment' in and then never ever following anything through....

and for those like myself off and on 15 years just plodding along trying to keep focused on one simple core matter and nothing i have ever encountered since has been a convincing argument for any different thinking except my OWN non narcissistic critique of my own legal change being i realised a few years later the nasty administrators just seemed to get thicker skins.... and indeed threatening "i will go public.." in 2004 would give them instant diarrhoea (of making up tales to tell judges ... others call perjury - big gaol time that) i bet by 2008 or 9 they no longer even hesitated before writing life changing lies to steal  a parents' child from them for life... so their mate the barrister for the council would make more money to buy more cocaine or beer or Christmas gifts.

However the real issue.... our wireless lady cannot THINK about as no younger person can think - well they can but the real version is dull they may just perceive deep down.... but its not sexy.... no one reads anything properly any more - on ones OWN 'side'... most never reply.... one may encounter someone months or years on "did you get that email/message..?" they dont say to your face "yes and i thought you were on drugs so marked it as spam.."   And anyway it is the total exhaustion and i am the toughest hillwaking bugger of them all... draining exhaustion at the complete acedia of ONES OWN 'side' ... the completely dysfunctional communication that digital CREATED from late 00s....

Boring 'cause' for the effect - every single so called right thinking citizen i have known of many the last 15 years... it is not as if, it is that every one is sat like the little bunny with her eyes caught in the headlights, oncoming... stuck....  

because there are solutions. Its all very simple. But they cannot even any more communicate what the quite straightforward hurdles are to initial straightforward citizenly activity against the vested interests... this been necessary since the time of Babylon or before ....  

Do not trust ANY clicktivist or activist ever until you have seen their inbox and seen that every single reasonably polite inbound within 14 days has had at least " ta ... havent really got time to ponder the position youre stating at the moment... so not able to debate or team up at present.... maybe i shall change mind or ve available in a few months we shall see..." or some such 'standard' message back which wordprocessing was created to enable....

Nope...all smiley buddhas accepting gifts from the gods and worshipers.... neither of whom do anything real ever...

as the Buddhist of Vietnam discovered in the lead up to rather a lot of bathing in blood there... and all they could do was set fire to themselves in public

I neve ever ever blame any 'administration' or politician or political system. For years...i ONLY blame the people... who say they care and then do absolutely nothing ever ever to follow anything through ever...

as one shared with ones fellow 'Green' people as of fivish years ago.....  of course they nodded like the dead bit of plastic one had on the parcel shelf of an old motor nodding with a smile on its face  - those nodding moggies or the like...

But they cannot even RECALL even if you are friends and spend a lot of time together "please...dont ever speak to me about any person elsewhere or with power... i do not blame them...ONLY us...for being unable to follow simpler old fashioned rules of democratic simple response... "

Butterflies swarming around the eyes of Teletubbies. 

I dont care... great Orwellian chronicle one day..But i do care -  they have wasted so so so much of my time - even supposed closeish friends... i never have time to check for typos or  even upload any half decent videos. 

But am happy. As knowing any 'truth' objective truth The Enlightenment.  A bit of postmodernist thought great too - questioning all 'truth' wonderful stuff.... should happen. But there are some truths... also...  objective ones. My my i have so much over the years collected showing certain organisations pretend to be "charities", and certain of their mouthpieces, but also so many footsoldiers too... are so so far up their own bum  they all became the 'problem'...