Sunday 20 February 2022

catch up

Now with a new sidekick .... i think can be trusted, we are up to the high alpine meadow in a few days.

Which is irrelevant - only about the future, a personal one.

The curious 'case' of 2020 and 21 ...

Now i have zero interest in what i quite correctly stated early summer 2020 to a friend or two is a new pathogen that seems to have the trajectory more or less of a new pneumonia maybe twice or thrice as effective overall - i.e. pneumonia would forever take off the weak old and crumbling, and over time we got a little better at 'managing' that pathogen (three actually in one )  ... but then the hysteria began  - i have no interest in lockdown or even prophylactic hysteria ... the hysteria which was interesting is what was allowed to be said..

And a range of seemingly balanced and intelligent folk i had long known simply were unable to formulate decent rhetoric...

I happened almost for fun to put something online about this a few months ago wearing another 'hat' but due to circumstances am side-tracked to say the least as i do proper environmental protection work at times and was very busy with that and still am dealing with a legacy...

Anyway occasionally glancing at the 'public conversation' now sceptical viewpoints are 'allowed' the dangerously lost Dr John who like them all cannot say "get the fuck up with the dawn,  get some natural UV when it is there, and work that body hard... and your natural systems will be in better shape that's a fuckin fact known forever...and if you fail to manage that dont blame some health authority or government  only yourself to blame.. unless of course you are a thalidomide victim or similar and really are stuck housebound on a couch forever..oh thats a point the PRECAUTIONARY principle great example of what happened in 1962 or 3 ish,....." 

And then the kind of rather coyly snide commentary in this when he should say "the complete and utter acedia... the total lazy ignorance...  don't trust your so called health professionals they cannot even manage to research something known for decades such as where a fucking artery is and it may be wise to avoid them with a totally new technology ion a so called medicine.."

Anyway this polite version frankly does more harm than good... i personally do not believe in some ranty rude version of any point making but i know most others do, and thus will not really be able to get the point - total lazy malpractice is just that....

Anyway that's one thing freedom of speech is for....

Another is my own speciality the last decade which is when so called goody goodies in the local communities take PUBLIC MONEY (or other variants - to be clarified later) to provide services to nature or environment and yet their behaviour is so messianic awful indeed princess complex... then sooner or later something should be written specifically about their fraudulent organisations or positions in society...

In simple direct language that does indeed  call out subtle fraud...

because as AC Grayling chimed with me in person a few years ago - long chat he and I... yes the truth may e unpalatable but the next generation need to know a true version of it so as to learn from our untrue versions of so called truths these dreadful messiahs endlessly roll out...especially on their Facebooks...

in my region

And one day maybe i shall get to that long long long collected treasure trove of well evidenced... lies and deceit (" hahh hahhh...") but i hate 'naming' anyone... i have never met anyone in my region worthy of being 'named'  -just shabby lost waffling fraudsters... so i probably will never bother. Magical realism style prose is perhaps more effective - Gabriel Garcia my god... his hooker book simply superb showing that even an old man can get better with age...

for now....

yet again the 'big tech' maybe are at their games - i don't care for myself but  all this (Brett and Heather) " go to odysee its safer"  is all very well but unless enough go there then their model is unviable as it takes so much money to keep a platform working well.... and it seems theirs is sadly a bit wobbly -you put a picture in your video and its disappeared...

oh well i shall maybe get to uploading a few videos here...soon... 

because the only way you ever get ANYthing done is to keep on track like a ferret with her teeth in your ringfinger and believe me she never ever lets go...ever...

Nor do the dreadful Camilla Cavendish discovered in early 2009.... with her "i have no idea what you mean Simon..."when even a 3 year old could work out Jack Straw was on drugs thinking we wouldn't notice he was then "reversing" the hard won  changes that every journalist in the UK in 06 had celebrated as a good cultural evolution....courtesy of yours truly.

I never forget a suggested outstanding item to share or edit or improve upon... even if i sometimes  don't have the ability or electricity to to them on schedule, and to the sequence... 

but am only interested in a  good movie r similar about how not to let the buggers get you down (2002-5) ...ever...

and one day i shall have it rolled out... 

no one i ever speak with - of many, can appreciate simple Voltairean or US constitutional freedom of speech principles...

OR simple matters such as " ECHR the highest law still, nothing to do with your shabby brexit...means  that in time basic freedoms ...even to chose ones medical treatment blah blah etc etc...will be 'tested' in ECHR cases and a sane middle ground returned to...thats what the fuckin ECHR is FOR... far greater minds than yours set it up over many years FOR that purpose...and this load of shabby Tories are unlikely to be able to repeal it that takes years and GOOD better rhetoric...and as it is a treaty...a hell of a lot of political real clout... " 

But as in the legal case (s) in the pages linked above ... ECHR is it... 

If something unjust happened to Mister Farage ... perhaps he is gagged or injuncted or denied entry to a bus as maybe he doesn't want to disclose his private medical status regarding a 2 pneumonia bet your bottom dollar in time the legal case('arguments')  he takes out will be citing a range of ECHR support of his arguments before the court of the day...

and he will win.... 

 But i have zero interest in anyone's legal case or rights... simply how to fight ANY 'case' when the odds look bad and everyone is against you or thinks you are a fruitbat for trying...

how to.... 

and it isnt some dry technical thing, its about...  the real to get up in the morning day after day of nonsense and how to ORGANISE for every single likely  tin of drawing pins thrown under your tyres... and smile at it all... always...

no organisation in life in hope...

to be continued...

in a few weeks when i have completed my environmental activities...