Sunday 13 March 2022


22 March 2022 Delayed in proper edit as in fact this stage - how to get interest and lobby for content to be taken seriously as valuable, is in fact sort of being turned into a little film. Which will be shown here.  Need a few days to edit collect together and upload that. 

And although i sent out just a few invites to consider being associates a few weeks ago, in fact i jumped the gun. I have been full time for 2 weeks creating a presentation of sorts in a different way. 

A little more creatively perhaps.  And a many year PR professional upon hearing some of it a few days ago was rather engaged at my way in. As she said "lobby" technique.  In fact said woman who is normally South Eastern above, all us yeomen... after all what have we to say to the world that hasn't been said already, or is on her telly... her body language was clear:   he not only has something there but already has prepared himself to go ALL the way.... 


What a wonderful day. In one day i meet y TWO archetypal 'target' audience.  And number one - superwoman, no pussy her.... what perfect timing: You don't single handedly hoist government ministers on their own petard and have spare anything really, as it has 'consequences' lets just say. So be it.   And i am more than forever thankful for necessary thriftiness long long ingrained beneath my always clean fingernails.  That i  - Scrooge by necessity so so long even if a smiley version, had just spent a tenner on the 'corporate' url.  Is a big deal.... 

But i got it wrong "les inscrutables.." i actually have too many rather groovy hooks out dangling and maybe even some good fresh takes on 'things' ....Les Intouchables.... should have got a Palme at least...  I only really like very very happy endings; built upon  the true version of 'life affirming'. . Silly me...


I have no idea who if anyone has perused these pages over the last few months. I never look at 'analytics' / stats. They actually seem so warped by maybe some computer generated waves of 'traffic' - one day its 700 new 'views' from Turkey, the next similar from China. Or maybe Tuvalu...  who knows what that means in reality. 

But all focus now goes into trying to recruit a few (amateurs - ANYONE with a brain and passion, no experience required)  to create a super professional presentation and then apply for funding. It's not as hard as it may appear.  And come the day experts get hired in to do the artful stuff. I know what 'works' as end product. 

My only work on this site will now be to improve this page as soon as possible.

 I really prefer ONLY a phone call... or text. Email seems so unreliable these days. Anyway good news rarely comes by email i have many years found....