Friday 12 May 2023

And a little footnote, to the epilogue....

 which is just a playful ironic, slightly poetical way i have.... 

No one gets (except my real friend the large brown man, and one farmer (f)   - who has a ruder  little way with words than me and him put together- we, the large man,  battle day in and out for three years, every other word arrestable...because we love each other, today even admitted to my 'wit'' " but just an iota.." coming from the funniest man ever existed...we are at a draw - 3 years of continual arrestable offence because he alone is immune to words... as am i....nearly...and thus we LEARN about each other - who we really are inside...) as   all this thinking literally is as bad as the fatal plague of calling each other 'narcissists' - because it will not 'work'...

... yes... the other thing i have realised, and all these things seemed to click in around the time of your smartphones (i so so rarely use mine - only f someone REALLY matters to me):  no one actually values in any way the WORD any more...

write up a statement for someone about to have their kids stolen by SS "this is your script, this is what you need to keep telling them is your RITTEN sane position" they cannot listen...

So the idea of having set up a written peace treaty/ bill of rights for a child, and that t should have held in society... post the era of the nutterphone  is as mad as thinking one will live forever....

No one values words., or writing...and as so few read proper books, the Dostoevsky's and even Dylans...(both) this will only get worse..... there is no middle ground. 

 I know no one can even read - between the lines so widely spaced, the nuance in a digital message any more...or remember there may BE such nuance

There is no hope..... Mister McCarthy in his rather depressing gory allegory The Road, may after all have been allegorically...right... poor lambs won't have even been made... the nice way... there is ALWAYS a way...i even had under my wing the local hoodlum in 2008/9 Dylan..and found a way to have him reading proper books, and smiling as he did 

 Anyway all this special neuro this and that excuses for not spending the bloody YEARS it may take to nudge them into great recorder playing for example....and even learn the damn thing WITH as to help...

all means so few reading as  a real habit, real books.. not Barry Trotter, you can start hoodlum Dylan on Du Maurier at 11....

They as parents will not even be able to read past legal changes that bloody obviously were as good a solution as possible... at the time just a few maybe could read a few words, and respect them as meaning something... or having any values...

You got your  Lord of The sure as ferrets are ferrets.... I am the lucky one, when the Mad Maxwells rampage, i just pull out my press clippings: " I am one of you.... dyer know Ronnie [main drug dealer] from Stoke...shared a pod for him a few weeks..." 

"ok mate we wont eat you just yet.... were after the Waitrose Bags..."

I shall not tell them how toughguy Ronnie spent several nights  blubbing in my lap, entirely believably too, about his whole life of violent crime and drugs was just to try and   deal with the feelings from not much love or recognition from his dad (who maybe hadn't been able to, as he was pushed out unlawfully by SS.... or someone else..) .

Your...endless cycles....not mine.