Saturday 13 May 2023


 .. someone said a few days ago "you and your old bike".

To conclude a phase of life.

The last laugh is in fact certainly not on me.

After several years of wandering, attempting to do what i full well know  - as i observe, no one else managed to do in my region of 4 constituencies -  almost a confluence, linking up nicely various people supposedly pro EU, in case some next vote, Three years ago a well deserved rest. Jolly good stuff. The few years prior, quite hard going. And January 2020 one must accept failure. I full well know because NO one who muttered or whined about BREXIT ever did a thing to attempt to make fresh useful alliance "come the day"; as despite the nonsense spouted by Mister Brand and the like (we would all love to be true - that the divine connected energy of the universe living in his expensive underpants will save humanity),  there is unfortunately only the ballot box and the test cases in higher courts.

And so the new phase began, quite organically. May 2020 the next flighty lost separated parent encountered in a time of 'crisis'.  With a ten year old. Good advice given. Silly childish responses, only, heard... and we are talking a so called mature parent. Forget her...

But then starting with the non Britisher... yet another victim of absurdly immature advice, about his absolutely standard stressy childhood issues, leaving him in and out of  the standard problem-person cycles and habits. 

Good advice on the benefit system (how he could be helped) -  may as well be talking to the sheep.

And so began three years of off and on, advising those with quite standard 'chaotic' or 'self-medicating' behaviours, from the old woman who's house is being eaten, live on camera, by the rats around and about, not surprising as she feeds them....To... all the complexes put together, in one.

Perhaps ten, informal, but real (that means days of hard work dealing with them up and down like a yoyo)  family the 'community', while everyone else is moaning...

..... though i grew out of them 35 years ago, and do have full recall of what it is like to be 'self medicating', most in middle age, or early middle age, still guzzling the nowadays much harder drugs, whilst like some fast orbiting space cadet endlessly going on about ow they are  just about to set up new vocations etc etc blahh blahh... and change. 

Or to put three years rather more simply: advising ten or so people - all parents, with one or other crisis: on the cliff edge of eviction, so damaged by booze the liver on the way out, to so unable to stop the booze and drugs (despite being official paid 'carer') the teen kids are distressed at the cycles...

All of course who are trapped in cycles... thing is I have an outer orbit of a range of supposedly sane, well grounded middle aged acquaintances, who in times of 'crisis' one may call on to augment the little rescue missions - which may just be attempting to  logistically facilitate Miss liver-buggered, to some city based narcotics anon program to assist her forward....In fact in UK  - world record winner of the false allegation olympics, one is a fool to ever be attempting to assist anyone with standard issues such as these, without backup... witness...

But the thing is - all this 'people pleasing', almost every supposedly sane middle class  comfortable person roped in ...all get excited and lovey goody goody about a little help for the poor person trapped in their obviously fairly standard cycles, but when it comes to EVER following through with their advice, suggestions, offered 'support'... the birds would do a better job of staying on course... all for them...

 100% Lord of The Flies.... The Lords and Ladies of the Flying Lies....

  me, i retire most contentedly - a range of quite standard  programs rolled out to offer real emergency assistance to the aforementioned.... not one supposed assistant..ever could see one word they uttered, through...(mums of two busy lasses get exemption - my only true moral support, and at least witness..)

I can smile, in the face of mankind... knowing the last three years was extremely simple a few missions... (local 'services' being shut down - they still probably are the way government employees seemed to love to hide away, others would call 'skive'...), absolutely no one - especially all my churchy acquaintances, could do anything simple and many decades known of, to genuinely assist many others in an at times life-threatening pickle...  almost all (the chaotic) simply the nett result of disastrously anguish filled upbringings...and every single ne pretended they cared... often at great length.

So be it... i do know one thing, the fairies won't sort it out, either.... 

Any sane person really should find some other island,  because the flies really will be feasting on strewn carcasses (even if they are metaphorical)  littering the this one until something big happens...

Me i just find it boring, now...

get back on my old bike, and stop ever thinking ever again simple well understood citizens advice strategies even, ever will be listened hope. Maxwell will be coming sooner or later...