Friday 12 May 2023

"blessem.." those 'gossips' :-)

 they must have such parochial empty lives - unlike me living actual real life....  a remarkably full and sublime one the last decade, as it happens...


But to reiterate, do i look like i CARE!!? 

(in this video today..on a favourite hill - for signal)

To reiterate - copyright ME!!

Someone said to me a few months ago they had seen my Voltairean  words elsewhere....


i know i waffled them first - on my unused twito's-fear....mongering old dog


.... some years ago

And you don't get a full page (with mistakes!) in the Torygraph if you are  that woman...ohh whatsername.. Shannon......who made up crimes against her kid for some weird self obsessive attention seeking ..

...... they do check you out....a LOT!

never mind plenty of other largest worldwide organs..(see media sections this website)

SEVEN giggabytes...lots of "SPIN" in here....and a few truths...

and hard work getting it up - had to climb to a high hilltop for signal...

but then some never seemed to appreciate..... especially in my home region of sadly lost toxic wombles....

  this was just work...for others' (benefit) as it happens.

No one else has ever seen ALL the papers that deal with 2002 - 6... ALL..... (many boxes)

Some of which i would never publish to spare other...sssss.. blushes

. i know who ran the thing - and denied cohabitation to get illegal legal aid... many  many thousands!!

And after (to quote Anthony Douglas head of CaFCASS)  acts of "child abuse" against two people in 2010- one of whom was me ... cos my child has excelled in everything...especially emotional intelligence - independently verified (and in evidence)

anyone else would have drunk themselves to death or other self harm to death..or gone mad with grief....

....not a dozen local mothers know..and a handful even entrusted their daughters to me 2020 and on....

(and a psych panel - government games! against me! - a regular occurrence if you look at Lord enquiry panels) 2 shrinks, in 2010 verified... not at all! 100% not having any personality or other problems....there was only ever one socio/pycho...on the pathway that lead to 2002/3.... not me...