Wednesday 14 June 2023

Ahahhhh...The Introduction...


there are 5 pages like this.... sorry god about the waste of paper on these charlatans..i shall reuse it to wipe my bum with tomorrow... 

but saving battery power..... trying MY best....

except current the sun..good for you...saves NHS churchy dinosaur would understand all tha fake self pity...

each of these pages takes 20 minutes to upload....but i have ALL he time in the world... but until i get a little base with plug...i cannot even see the screen to check for typos....

i will, soon.
I take MY 'calling' a lot more seriously than these load of numbties ...

this is only intro, the real meet of the thing has pictures of very very expensive begging bowl signage.

for loads of begged dosh....

and many photos and films of this cold winter v expensive heating systems... being fitted and left on for a long time..( THEY are in there..not us unpaid mendicants... them....)