Sunday 4 June 2023

Far more coherent journey up the Marches soon

 So many [places to visit. Maybe starting with the once 'eco' campsite and hostellry on the Wye a mile from Glasbury, where over the years the ... hmmm...its gone? 'Hotel Inspector' did one on the Hollybush... that failed to see anything like the many thousand glass bottles stored outside for years in some bullshit spiritual new wall-making ceremony.. the owners and workers so lazy come winter waters these bottles would often landslip into the Wye.. down a mile JCB lorry loads of shingle  (from the MOST protected areas of the riverbanks) stolen at dawn to make trekking centres ...and 'glamping'.... the councillors sister who would unlawfully strim their area of the Wye riverbanks an actual SSSI..and then goon radio 4 complaining about her river being polluted.. up to Kington...lots there..Presteigne we will get to...and the last years around the region of Teme and Clun..

But if no one 'GETS' it...

this whole region is SYMBOLIC... 'sold' as back to  nature  destination for house buyers and tourists (who of course call themselves 'visitors') ... and in parallel we have literally half national media coverage for a decade or more on this region - i even know (well) some of the media makers such as liar fraud Marchant of radio 4..

so much spotlight on this region... 

(details later - years i have monitored)

Yet EVEN here... in simplest terms, overall, our whole across the board 'environment'  - all species, all habitats... has in 20 years been decimated at least 2/3 from what it was..

however...last night a conversation..

About 'HOPE...

so so interesting - even an inteligent couple my age with loadsa kids ..." but we need to give them hop..."

wonderful honest chat but...

REAL 'hope' will only come FOR the next generation realising how EASY it would be for do so so so so much better... than their fraud parents who came to live in this region and only added to overall polution...and did NOTHING ever to even halt one chicken shed...NOTHING.

It is ONLY ...every single one of the fraud attention seeking 40-70 year old age group who allowed this to happen...

and HOPE is in their kids  -the 20 somethings now.. knowing how awful they were and also laughing at how utterly Kafka givin one up Orwell's bum.. lampooned on Lord of The Flies all has been... 20+ years...  their parents real ... 'environment...

pious and earnest never ever worked (i have another site about last i am finding a few who at least do get that!!)

But ... reality - over 20 years i have seen even more larger presentations with more expensively produced smiling faces of exactly the same total frauds...a whole corner at Hay festival we have of them now...

They come for as long as it takes all their Facebook friends to see on their absurd wall how righteous they are ... lending their ...(i do not know what!) .. to yet another Jenny-come-lately initiative... and as soon as someone says we need to build real hard tough relationships down at the farm sales... make REAL alliances among ourselves and with the 'ENEMY' ... the come up with even cleverer sounding reasons out of a fucking mindfulness manual on how to smile and never ever ever DO anything...except backstab.. and con your friends you 'care'....

And that...a chronicle of endless people pleasing and total acedia among the supposed environmentally 'concerned' is the ONLY reason ... the time, media coverage, money...yes cash to print out  and nicely frame dozens of photos here of the latest pious self righteous...when the roof of the local sewerage plant has BIG holes in it... no one goes and fixes that at LESS money than to print out the photos here of so so worthy goodies...

i have every word of over 15 years of this cant and vanity...chronicled...and is why even the Wye is dead...

And i shall get specific soon... there is someone pictured here who 'founded' extinction rebellion in one town... funny old world when her hair colour changes every other facebook photo ...and of course saying to a very middle aged woman from the Midlands (academic) " ehhh..isn't hair dye a chemical too..?"  she cannot quite join that dot, living as she does by the worst maintained local domestic municipal  hairdye processing plant of them all... 

And never talks to one again... 

That is called being worse than a zealot, and utterly harridan charlatan...don't worry loadsa men too - as in dinosaur lands - as sexist as they were in the 1700s despite the hype (you will read in your fantasy visitor information - especially the Guardian over many years) ...the men ONLY get the say as to what happens with where the money is.... i TRIED to rev up the supposedly progressive lasses... in other words their trophy Barbie wives who join the hunt, like Withnail Bruce's.. to  have some influence... 

But they smile, flounce around in hippy chic.. like poor Sophie..

And every now again dress up as Cruella Devil ahead of the hunt.... to make a point ? i know not what it is... other than dont frighten the horses as he owns the land and.... 

Of course they... define 'fear' - i too will end up not being able to rent a pad, or occasionally pop over to Harvey's..Knickers for my essential fancy pair...juist in case he, my 'beloved' kicks me off his land...

SO i better not REALLY mean the things i said to the wandering environmental man on his old bike....

I shall one day turn into great funny odes... because every one is a gem...

Of flirty charmy (they are so so LONELY) ..acedia...

Fun time...soon.