Tuesday 13 June 2023

 have i done this... a page i saw wasnt linked here... from a month back


the video within that page was the big one  -big video of late...for here....damned if i am going to waste another second looking to see if  is already on his site  - about a month ago..

No one has ever ever ever assisted...and many just hinder .especially those pretend friends chip away at oens soul..... damn hard work i did on  child  and openness law...up EVERY DAY at 530 for 20 years damn hard work...

oh and don't think i have even started... the complete lack of ...CIVILITY... AC Grayling word no not 'moralising' we mustnt do that... civility..though i prefer propriety

local libdem office... hours of cha with them me supporting environmental law work...working hard to try and get their efforts replicated locally as they knew...

and yet no manners to reply to a couple of mutual benefit emails 6 weeks ago...my soul went into

well ... i dont ake kindly to hose who get PAID and waste my time...and soul

all will be published...every damn call and email..and utter inability to be in he slightest bit human never mind efficient

(but what a joy...one last legal case... on the run and a lovely Welsh lady..randomly met..(tested for drink drugs and madness... i trust no one......would help no one anywhere near their kids if any of them applied...her...not i her confirms her 'homeland'...bloody stasi stuck ina  weird medieval mindset will try and mess up ayones life ...hers ...for fun... even keystones and courts....).