Monday 12 June 2023

Secrecy and power (SUPERB EXAMPLE of..)

 DRAFT much betta rit versions soon...broken laptops...hardly any signal to get online....

Secrecy and power


I don’t like trite silly phrases like ‘on the run’ – they are part tongue in cheek. But in fact deadly serious. I know full well several people – Herefordshire is so so ‘bullying bullneck’ it’s daft…unless you are a pliant semi retired incomer with loads of Southern loot to spend on one of their houses…


They smell you a mile away. Long ago  - 20+ years ago I would say to folk “THE business of this region – at the town level, is you… they will sell you badly converted houses [the quality of build is worse than a famously not so good Polish plumbers standards – total laziness and acedia – I have a professionals words on that elsewhere] services and furniture and expensive groceries …. On the way in…when your marriage fails due you not actually ever really LIVING the only good thing around…walking the hills…summer by the rivers…and you too hit the booze like a large amount of the locals… they will make money from you on the way out… getting your house at a dodgy behind the counter price.. your still usable no MOT motor picked up as ‘scrap’..and your furniture you cannot afford to move back to where you had come from..usually running back to mummy’s[inherited dosh]  no dosh left..London.. Bristol or wherever..”


The estate agents, fantasy guardian articles etc.. and the locals don’t want even the running away incomers to know the truth: extremely stone age abusive parenting for decades; disastrous schools that churn out toxic wombles, and very very bullying men… who utterly decry any truth talk – ref their cosy little theme park …

That got far worse when 15ish years ago so many extremely expensive London SUVs started to arrive with fancy women in  - that first one my she was funny…so absurdly ‘yummy’’’.  And of course the locals  - biorn/bred… start to get jealous and angsty..

As happens any place these patterns have happened since so called civilisation began


Inequality always has a really horrid downside – that manifests in The marches as especially the last few years the men have become so so ‘vigilante’ weird and very aggressive…

And I am quite sure that a few who will have already seen a little of my material – not that they can read they are so full of their pumped up  bully-neckiness… will indeed wish great harm upon me..

So I am on the run… or better put, good riddance to bad rubbish…especially enironmentaliISTS who wouldn’t have the guts to even slash my tyres, or spit on my bonnet,   since they didn’t do the SO EASY job of standing up – a few together shoulder to shoulder..against the tsunami of factory farms – so easy to fight as for example the road network UTTERLY inadequate for the 44 ton feed lorry which is (I have recordings of shed owners explaining) is the only way factory farming way way away from the main transport networks, can be economically viable…smaller lorries unit cost price of grub, too high…


Anyway brief note (SUPPORT LINKS – PAYPAL BANK DETS A FEW POSTS DOWN – I have no plug (for 18 months  - most happily – I can ONLY apply myself to this as I have lowest conceivable overheads but..still.. will take time to get to work here – and anyway i write something else incognito that is so wonderfully life affirming… that takes all my energy  - and battery - just now)


But REALLY good example… of… gagging


but much more how  even a 'friend' will try to exert ignorant 'power' by be it has all humans do... 

I realised a few months ago – silly me with ideals, life is or certainly post 2020 even moreso is about bullies pushing you out for power…weird thing power… mainly in uk a mental thing – personality

Someone years I had some faith in tried to utterly smash the (child secrecy) cultural change..  for ten fuckin years  - even if wasted as 99.9% of UK parents [I deal with many ..very very deeply – REAl hard social work type help…real stuff over days…just had a full time 3 week session with a  woman with family legal issues – no point…all went mad…)

The bullying (I got a house you haven’t) ignorance – I realised that IS humanity..

(a good argument in fact FOR openness – always)




Was NOT about children



(superb dull book The Cheating Classes... backs up the insidious use of secret behind your back bullying power ..DEFINES he uk)

I USED  the child law as foundational …attack the WHOLE culture at foundation!!!!!

A great example today

Radio 4 7.40…

(and then after i wrote his 845 on a new tv thing 'the best interests ofthe child' so used as sop in fact hurt other adults..bullytthem)


Ruth Perry sad woman bumps self off just because of a word (tragic your society! – I don’t even wish the badger holocaust perps a bad cold..or tic)

Her sister on radio 4 moaning – so so full of entitlement but she said it “THEY GAGG TEACHERS FROM SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT PRELIMINARY REPORTS..”


She actually said “teachers not allowed to share the documents with anyone…but she ‘confided’ in me”

Had she not been so tragically lost, and shown said document to her doctor… as she like all this silly society goes and gets her priozac…and the doctor shared it with his illicit lover the local Social Worker (how it all happens in real life)

And Ruth sent to the assizes..


Her DEFENCE – would have (maybe not now but a decade ago for sure) included reference to Clayton blahh blahh major foundational HIGHEST JUDGES = primary legislation as de facto effect …

 “ as THEIR LORDSHIPS SAID [that matters its not a scruffy High Court judge –it’s the legal gods.. that’s the POINT! ..that is how the law of ‘precedent’ or sort-of-common-law works…]

“…as THEIR HIGH PRIESTS OF LORE…said in Clayton it was established that EVEN regarding the MOST ‘VULNERABLE’ citizens… blanket secrecy or gagging must only be in the most extreme circs… say iof a child was fed to the badgers and recovered only its genitals munched..and  it may be not in the best interests of the child if that embarrassing detail were available all the rest of its life in the public domain…. But as a NEW PRINCIPLE CLEARED UP IN CLAYTON…. No fucker should be shut up unless there is a VERY VERY VEERY GOOD REASON…it is against HRA!!!!!!!!  [even RUSSIA is in ECHR for fux sake..] Never mind against Voltaire AND THE whole bleedin  Enlightenment….”


That was the POINT of me wasting several years on a case which frankly didn’t matter squat to me…

A CULTURAL change…


But of course media twats and even ones suposed friends are so so foolish they wish to always … do one down….

Me i couldnt care less especially as we are now to have a JAp decade of stagflation and moaning  where no one will tell the truth "having farmed out family.. the need to help warring couples... or even do fair kind 'justice' within our communities - non violent... to a woman who tells nasty lies  - as BAD as physical abuse...  farmed out all simple decent community and family roles - caring for olds.. the state... we were ALWAYS unviable economically... no European country did that even half as we do  its responsible - 200 grand Donmic Boothroyd's legal bills (i jest - at least 30 or 50..) to defend the liar mum.. etc etc etc... 3... 400 grand in legal and other 'services' per forced adoption child... add ina  million for lifetime medical effects due the traumas...and fascist local authorities who treat such children as baggage to be collected and dropped off when it suits them...

 but of course the same deep down DNA setting - shut up... very much affects environmental matters too... so a great way to start my phase sunshine time... 

on the run - great new  region - no skin in any game.... the fullest tale of twenty years caring about my previous region does need to be told... because civilisation is based on just that

...  but it will take some time

But a beautiful; example of what the original case did…and it will have been used in many other LESS important precedent quoted..