Sunday 11 June 2023

continued...very soon (and 'FEMINISM')

 ( i write 2 things... i have ONLY pity for the miscreants who's stories will be told here... if you have a brain, pity is far worse than 'hate' which intellectually doesn't really exist - i have never met hate, i have met anguish, angst, utterly lostness, stuckness, exasperation with oneself people may turn into bad acts upon another...or even 20 years of bad acts to hide up his own 'self hate' - or maybe conscience is a better word  ..guilty.... but hate .. even Hannah Arendt (said to have 'hated' other branches of Jewry - reference in here soon...i am very scholarly even iof it may not seem so, yet..

managed to get to the bottom of that one - people even the Nazis get lost in their own self belief...)

 .In fact ...

i had a thought

I am 'full time' on 'this' ...yes....

despite no assistance ever

Here is example.

Now Mister George Mo****iot

other words end idiot

This article is NAZI propaganda as it does not tell the simplest truth 

The welsh (assembly of mafia or tafia as even Welsh people often term them - but its no joke)  AND ALL 'Greens' for 5ish years have constantly ... in fact battled (especially the Greens) "how dare you be so 'negative' Simon.... they are spending MILLIONS..on their amazin new eco law of TRUE HOPE... a showcase for the dare you bring your bad energy here.." (like 5 years ago we started to hear that

About THE 'environmental law that probably affects more of the western half of England.. below Lioverpool.. down to bristol .. because what happens upstream (in Wales) affects the ecosystems downstream more than anything else, in England..

And that idiot had not even heard of this so so 50 million quid i reckon, heralded modern law...

As useful as folklore it turns out PLUS this is the worst spin ever. it is quite clear this LAW - due to come in Jan 1 2023... will be kicked down the road beyond a change in 'administration'

farming Today last Sept (i have recording somewhere) they announced "we MAY need a further 'consultation'..and, the real sting ' we MAY have to issue licenses' (to the worst polluters so they can BREAK this many million quid law...

and Mister " i have a second home in MAchynthlleth  but we wont call it that we call the people who rent it from me a 'community'... that sits nicely with my Guardian credentials..." - i dont care about even if these second homers ALONE pushed up the prices such that ordinary scruffs havent had affordable rents for years...

when HE doesnt know about this fundamental huge eco law... 

He should be cancelled.

And he cannot sue as i had my recorder and him huddled..

Now, in my 'other writing' i have a ref to saddest moment  in life - when the young woman - so enjoyed in a  healthy way as a shared 'secretary' even if she couldn't type any faster than i...  in a shared sort of coop office block in St Albans i had my own den in a year or so..

As by then - v early 90s..a non drinker, (except Corbyn levels - v special occasions,  and in Bolivia once hahh hahh)  i didnt go out in the evening with the blokes...who always took her with them as totally innocent friend to have under their wings...

Mel - happy, cheery, grounded it seemed... innocent sweet.

One day the horror news "Mel was raped and beaten up by the park.."

though bubble: "oh woe is us..what HAS the world come to...!!!is nowhere safe.."

only a few months later (those chaps) " she got time inside.... it transpired the WHOLE event was made up.."

From that moment on i simply lamented what on earth has happened - the other day i mentioned that event to someone and the stupid woman as always utterly Miss Construed " well.. he said she never knows.."

No we knew.. there was NO other person to say anything... there...she beat herself up!

And at that moment to me 'feminism' died. Because one can only achieve any necessary utter equality, if it is based on truth, most of the time...

But then a decade and a half on.. hearing the perverted lies sadly woman (this time i know she was inn fact aided by British women who sell themselves in the 'community' and army..... ultra goody goodies and doting mothers of younguns.....i forget her name for now - i asked to provide witness statement,to NOTHING...having asked her myself to be there as witness.... only smiles at a handover August 2002...

To hear HER perjury... too.. never mind the sad lost 'other household'..

Ever since i know that UK is the worst false allegations country in the world - good news girls, it was 97% a female thing until maybe 5 or 10 years ago... the blokes started to catch up of late...

A sane person, takes precautions... such as especially the last decade all day, every day, come what may...having a recorder my pocket.

Which became (i9.e. fuck you..and your lies and misery.. THE most wonderful chronicle of the reality of BREXIT  - my useless 'side'... and eco terrorism - by a few perps, and by default ALL so called 'environmentalists'... i am immune to slander, libel or.... any counterattack... 

Unless some sad idiot takes things out of 'context'  (as almost all UK crimlaw tries to... 

There will be many lines here - some one must still read between. though on the OTHER site all the stories are told in full.... except without ANY googleable words.... 

This is now the liofelong rest of life...mission sounds Messianic...nope, responsibility, the chronicles are kept, transcripted... ohh the best one  - two men on a hill. Alone..sat chatting...He even admitted to his machinery burying alive protected animal....of course he got all high church, aand mighty when i told him i knew (from days stakeout) there were dozens..and ALL their young...

But an admission - into my little hidden recorder..  of "well there may have been one or two.." rather goes against (their) whole public image for many years... never mind crystal clear law. 

But that's just the most 'emotive' - i am not into cheap clickbait - its the other lot allowed this... people like him feel even if running ENVIRONMENTAL saviour stalls in the marketplaces... can get away with anything;  it is the complete undermining sour lack of ANY real solidarity among those on 'our side' who allowed that...and all Cargill's megga factory farming operation that transformed ALL of the Mid Marches - all Herefordshire, much of East Powys, and some of South Shropshire...

It is the total acedia AMONG so called eco goody goodies... self pitying weird lost sheep bullshit... avoidance of ALL real solidarity..

This is the pattern that emerged.. month after month... year in and out

Even yesterday it seems.

Two faced self pitying fraud. I have worse words than that for fact THEY are only to be pitied, as sooner or later most people do work out even if on their death bed what a complete and utter silly billy they were...

To be continued but my new thought - especially as i have literally no signal (to write here online) and anyway hardly a bean to charge my batteries...

as i do in my other lovely wise poetical site R .. S...

only my most trusted quiet people are given the link to...

write it longhand, long longhand.. then photo it and put it here... 

that way even those who are named.. wont be reified by a google hit

NONE are worth it.


Only just...begun...

And be clear - the fake 'spiritual' leaders - at a community level.. those who set themselves up as impresarios of only (by legal definition) fraud

They especially caused this - all the endless FAcebook " we love the environment" and do absolutely nothing except steal people's money with false 'healing' . (wasting their time AND MONEY SO MAYBE THEY COULD GO TO A PLANNING MJEETING TO OBJECT TO CHICKENFACTORY APOCOLYPSE!) ..and even "charity" crowdfunds in 2020..or 21 i have perfect records of all... when they don't even state which 'charity' they support or its registration number...

All to float to the top...soon

oh and don't think this is any sour pleasure. The criminal in that last paragraph i even looked to many years ago as a personal 'friend' ..i paid money to to give my lass music lessons.. this is only sad. But i am happiest person in world ever always (as other chronicle site ..proves)