Sunday 4 June 2023

What the 'Green's can never understand Maverick James bloody uppity mongrel Ali

 with your dirty little internet stalking habit....

And partly rightly believing you are the funniest toughest guy ever extant...who sees through all the cant and vanity.... AND as you know my counterattacks filled you up... caused you to blossom, petal...

No you are not the greatest human being ever extant....

Because in the most evil square of The Pharisees and Sadducees ever.... from the sadly (we both lament, she born there, me sired half of one) ... almost ,most fucked society on the planet (that got her laughing: " my my i cried for them... i often think they really did think Pretty Woman was a documentary..")

I have met out of the blue, on the run ..." love... i drove planes at 300 miles an hour over your homeland... but as soon as i was into nippers 30 years ago, just after being the most atomised fey cunt in the world, though hiding it so well....  i have  never gone over fifty..... ever.... thats why we have children... some learn what environmentalism is for, hem, all the way and even hand back - only person ever, their commercial pilot license when nipper arrives. ... but whether or not he does manage to sneak one in past your defences....  i cannot lie, especially after that test...of you.... you must mus must must STAY ALIVE... because i will not have i any other way.....i want you as world president.... the greatest human being i have ever met by far ever.... ever and i only like mongrel girls...

And i can't stand fancy gear

or flashy bikes

or anything flashy ever...

" i nearly took a picture of your bike  back here to represent he ultimate cant and vanity....but...for some reason i hesitated... and i never chatup leather clad fancy pantses... but.. god i am bored!!! here..."

 "if nutjob poor, lost, USA-markeeer-fatally-polluted  Poland (even the mother of mine, a very 'proud' fool,  apparently said they went nuts 5isjh years back.... "WE UNDERSTOOD IN CIVILISATION FORTY FUCKIN TEARS AGO A MAN IS NOT EVEN ALOWED TO HINK OF AN OPINION ON A WOMANS FUCKIN WOMB...EVER....even not very modern lads and lasses in N Wales knew that..) ... sold heir lands to yankee missilemen.. (real cause of Ukraine)......

"can go and bloodywell deliver unto us by far the greatest person i have ever met.... ever ever ever in all worldwide wandering (maybe first equal with a Romanian, once...sadly lost to mindful crap over time  -  she had read Thomas Bernhard age 21..i know i saw her bedroom library in Bolivia)

"if you do not write, i will track you down and get you cancelled, and hounded out of every bank in London, get you done for false sex harassment fer you touched me wearing leaher!! ...something... mater how fancy pants.... you have by far the greatest spirit and depth i have ever ever ever met.... and even get it re these rivers and... all of it... when you have his/my/some spunk party's baby....  with a start like this it is impossible for you not to mean it even more...."

Greta..amatuer.. previous hero malala maybe lost to the veil... who knows... but from ... a least in part, hell on earh

Here she is. Hope....

And i knew it was impossible to ever find her.... or him...or 

have any

Now i can get murdered by Hillary's Wenchmen quite quite happily, because laughter is best when the joke is only on oneself... as no Green ever ever could even know they are so lost in self regard

And no conversation of a long time leaves me welled up - walking up the steps of the castle totally overwhelmed....  with true emotion  - tears welling.... real ones, in secret...

at the absolute impossibility that... 

There is real beauty in humanity... not fabricated, not false fey and for a fuckin brochure...   tell it like it ferkin IS....

And you may just find it in the only place i is impossible even to find a good book on it, never mind ....

I dont need now to be "please whisk me away on your pillion.... i need sanctuary"

"this song was made for the two of us... the ultimate petrolhead song.... i would even turn rightist  krypto-fascist like all the greens if you let me on ....

...but only for five minues is so fuckin dangerous with he lost fools hat drive into he roads without looking even

though it should be the Hawkwind, really....

to be continued