Sunday 4 June 2023


 Now for now a scrappy mess.

Unplanned to start to deal with the duirt - dishing it...

Long pondered, but then a few kairoses come along (as good as all Ecclesiastes 3 in one word - the DOing bits)...and Wye not..

Anyway long i need to go...forever. The most depressing region i have ever known on the planet.

I can and have taken MANY poignant arty pictures. I was in fact on E Chabree (no time to be elegant yet and stick in his acute) Hardiman's knee as a nipper. I know what is REAL art. 

I have a whole site about truly inspiring culture.

That has some real life hell pages too. i cant remember if they are cloaked or not..i don't care any more. One did ones best. And i have too many 'stories' for a very quiet man of the hills.

But ... well it is like this, as if on cue, as I am pulling out for the very last time ever of Hampstead-on-Wye..a very 'green' parks aside me... 

On cue. lets just put it this way anyone who supports Ellie Chowns is mad. The LEAST 'inclusive' person i have ever met. And i do have many recordings... but EC is a 'public' figure... 

It is the 'private' opnes such as her...

So as i am giving her a friendly shortcut speech you should have seen her thirty ear old daughter, especially when ma tries to order her how to drive and unpark... 

I ended up taking over. And the daughter was a new best friend i could see in her face " this fucking old snotty bag... yes Mister...with snotty people like her in charge who dont even recognise someone on the same you hope...ever.."

But thus far (for my adored so so life changing legal beagle... i know that this is thus far 'hearsay'.. its 100s of hours of what they actually did say

That somehow i have to turn into a ballet with an ending even more thrilling as Black swan

I had an idea. Inspired by Miss Silver Machine in fact

Lets just put it thuis way i know i were having a beer with Lemmy - as i have, he would write a song about the silly fool who tried to put flowers between his browning teeth and write him love poems "Hey Lem... all that wind in your hair burning up the carbon... come over to my side you are i know a lost little Lamby underneath.." he would write a BETTER and more elegant personal attack one...but would still smile over a  pint and a roll up and would never take it personally

This is what changed maybe 15ish years yawn i do those essays elsewhere.

But as with the notional pint with Mister Silver Machine...all... even the most obvious "sunshine time for you matey" is an do something new and real that BEFERFUCKINFITS the environment for real

I encountered the saddest ever serious eco holocaust July 2020..and the reality is i sopentb 6 months approaching artists - top notch ones..." i wish some beautiful real flowing  fabulous artistic justice... for their wasted full lives... never even seeing teenagehood... yet another front page of the Torygraph saying [ it would have]...makes no one eel fuckit lets change...

So all is invitation. One great film i need making (not mine i couldnt give a shit about my stuff) a short by the only real woman i knew...til this "bird" today...(the first uses the word bird in her filmscript...but then she is not British why i know that she is the one..)

A truly important short film


JOKE books about Ellie'

s very very expensive plastic saddlebags and ...well i know all the sins...

And have all the imagery for a whole generation to gloat at... reality

But elegance is now required. And reaching the 'enemy'...somehow - that which all our Ellies are incapable of doing as pious never ever ever worked...ever

And they wont even entertain that discussion (from a PR expert - my legal work was ONLY based on true grit PR from a sweltering death-gaol..and a few other fun times..)...which of course we could call Stalinism, Polpottiness... or all sorts of nasty words for robots.. with a mission.

Anyway invitations - REAl ones... among other things the last month after three years of tolerating the BS someone i know well - warts and all...but VERY good at nuking nestlese, then EOS then Murdoch sponsored Hay out of the water with her hypoer grant getting abilities, AND from day one all based on Community Land trust model is going to create largest REAl art centre for many many miles..

And as i have supplied half a dozen (many year tested for BS and people pleasing madness) founders...

I could in fact hire the most beautiful ballet dancer i have ever met (of only one) with the best spirit i have ever met ever.. of thousands interogated and sought...

To ..

Indeed design that ballet - and i am no slave driver... when her eyes lit up "so do creatives need the WHIPLASH treatment...she answered that many year question for me - thats how uch i trust her... years i was on the more...because i know what the end result was of her semi whiplash upbringing...a superb bulletproof backbone and .. whole person.... 

lead charriot!

But i am no 'dreamer'.. 21 years ago i wrote on my notepad (as a many year green person and founder of Hay utter pseuds Friends of the Earth "how do we sex up environmentalism" which is a deliberate stab in my back here and now as that phrase is so below me it is daft, but i must NOT be me if i care about ... the masses' shit...too.

Which no green ever ever ever seems to be able to understand (great film called Land of the Blind.. sadly, any of that lot ever get 'power' they wont shoot you in the head and whats worse they wont even KNOW how stalinist they are beingm, because they are... not that bright, and far far too full of only THEMselves...

The reason your Wye is fucked, but if you believe me yopu are as thick as they are...until i prove to you...

with prima facie evidence of only ... sour air coming out of where the faeces should drop from. But it will NOW be elegant... may be hard to make elegant films of hundreds of tons of shingle being stolen from extremely protected riverbanks for the glamping/...and .Kafka already covered the response (i have many similar examples) from The Brecon Beacons National park...officers in person..

But some good plays in our glitzy new megga drome of ONLY REAL art... searching out the next Orton....and only REAL tango that seeks to modernise it propper... be the final schism from sexist old weirdish stuff...

And ... the possibilities are endless...

Invitations, and elegance...

what can i say nothing as no one can read any more...i can. Maybe as she thinks it is all a hollogram. Mine of late got so much fun its daft, i need a holiday...

But i am never off duty.

This will be got to, properly, soon...

LEGAL BEAGLE on err bike - its the Price qc page (along top here - redisign SOON!) ..Mcphilemy blew the lid on uk bolstering the IRA so as to prolong the troubles ...and kill more innocent people.

I already had my crowning glory - to be on the same page as the man who's (banned) book i would sell from my bookshop 25 years ago... i mean ... what a life ..mad.. joy... 

That is enough in life. You are all that matters now... you may one day - i know you can, achieve something as silly and mad... as everyone said you were. But .. Price QC doesnt lie..(except that he did the case -- 90% my fuckin work) 

GREAT art...along the lines of Bernhard's Extinction in my opinion may be a start even if A C Grayling too thick to have even found it - one of the very greatest books of the last 75 years.....or to send a thank you letter for me spending literally my last tenner on a new copy for him... after half an hour charming me to my face that evil square..

I have a superb memory - but that just intimidates...and cause sfear..

As i say elegance, poise, grace... (soon i will do my "what that dreadful Lucas should have done in the media for years" speech. Many  - ven women, laughed..and i think agreed... but thats the problem with so many two faced three facers one never has the slightest idea who is acting, and who KNOWS they are acting...

Or what play they are in...

Many poignant pictures and all the rest of the evidence...soon.

Copies of hand written letters... texts everything... i have tall the time in the world, it is impossible ever ever to find one ally who meant it in eco thios or that and thus there is no hope...until the biker's age group take over...except they need a LOT of education..first...except her... 

She is a chimera from another hologram in another universe  - it is impossible she exists... 

Even if i still think i need the ballet made...possibly my forte - for revenge... :-)