17 june 2021
DONT READ UNTIL 18 june things to add in
I have many recent essays on that subject. But not yet and probably never. As you need allies to do new things and everyone in UK turned a bit atomised....into a wet blanket ...drips..of Eastender tears... So be it.
The above book is one of the most remarkable I have ever read. It is certainly in a very short list of books that changed my life.
I had had this book some years and left it at the bottom of a large pile. " thanks looks like an Eastenders cheesy princess silly thing....maybe if desperate one day....for toilet paper"
Four years ago never previously ill but amid a genuinely weird lovely clever pathogen invasion that wouldnt go away and most grateful for: its wonderful to meet your maker and get that boring aspect of life over and done with - accept your mortality, sort of stuck in 5 years ago, many months sort of buggered, certainly fiscally buggered moving down the pile prostate on my couch ....
Indeed this photo says a lot more:
Three or so years ago over many many long deep chats I made alliance with a rather chubby woman in my area. Over time it transpired that although a seemingly very very sorted, with it, mother of a couple of teens (i met) and sort of loving partner to man of many years, she had a deep issue. It came out one day. Something in her life she had shame about. In fact it was minor. Many years she had been properly in love with her cousin. She trusted me, to tell me this. Share her story, though it came as a surprise as i had many great deep chats with her the preceding few years. She said she had never spoken to anyone before of it. And also she stated she needed to somehow share the 'story' and had thought of writing it. Had thought it may be a 'therapy'. And in encouraging her - and it could be anonymous like Belle Du Jour, I lent her my only copy of Maryam's superb tale of her life. Her Love for Her Son
Yet another true ally.... goes weird (never a cross word or even grimace in our many chats) , and the book of course doesn't make it back to me as fact yesterday i dscovered this woman's phone number seemingly changed. How atomised so many butterflying through lives even in my most rural stable surrounds.
Around the same time i also chanced across towards bottom of the pile the Perriam and Bleasadale. JOY!!! truth... they told it like it was back then... no coy words. No one sided viewpoint on gender politics and societal mores: brutality and fun. They blew my mind.
But back to Sasson bringing us Maryam's life. Clearly with much deep soul unloading from the horses mouth. A 'ghost written' book but there is no way it was made up or embellished. I can smell that a mile away.
And there is one of her other books Princess which i discovered i had read years ago. Still had, and reread.
Why witter on about places far away. Well, i know full well how even today - in fact maybe in some ways moreso today, societal leaders in the West and particularly UK sucking up to rich other-cultures does have some deeply pernicious effect.
And let me weave in some difficult bio (i only laugh at for many years, i have no shoulder chips): The lass pictured in this, her grands took the Saudi shilling....and how i saw in my own teens how it spoiled everything - they had bought up a few failed small farms and i adored working on them - defined my life, but it was all tainted...
that landowner...
my cohort knew age about 15 that the way various societies especially Saudi treated women was simply nuts - you cannot call it evil i suppose as their perverted cultural norm had ended up where it had however the nett effect was evil.
it changed my life hearing from Maryam as she shared the most embarrassing and shameful net effects of what some twat called in the west 'parental alienation' - the scene where her young man son speaks of her so cruelly....well, read then book.... I have never read anything quite so shocking and yet over time the respect i developed for her sharing that was as high as the mountains of Afghanistan...
But as so often is the case, Saudi is at the root of her probs...
the featured young woman here.... her grands... their fraud.... my cross was bearing many years that fraud....
SO be it.
And i did but not in any reactionary way though the fools will all state otherwise.
You may think this is so irrelevant in the year of far more important things to think about domestically...
i posit anything domestic (health wise) is irrelevant - there are far far far more rest of lifechanging things i have focused on yes even free speech and thus have ignored it all...
but there is someone else who thinks Saudi is important - i forget which one of them I think it may have been Govey - the angel of death Liam on Question Time other day i think referred to how his colleague was off chatting to the Saudis.... in times when only 'essential' travel is even legal...
I think that says a lot
Still, 40 years on, not one smallest value between them....and that means you too.
Trading or sucking up in any way to a literally apartheid regime where women are not treated as second class citizens as they cannot be citizens in reality, and are hidden away and fed sweeties from birth so they can't fit through the bathroom window and escape...
is complicity.
And my own childhood was one where as i often say still "they religiously took the Times Telegraph Observer on a Sunday...but it seems they never actually read the last on that list... which was paid for by the sweat tears and sometimes blood of the as-good-as-slave labourer from Pakistan working on my fathers schemes in Saudi Arabia, and so much blood on the hands of his clients for sure as everyone did know... especially him as they took me one day to Chop Chop Square for Saturday afternoon entertainment.."
It is maybe not surprising that grandmum over time simply could never respect a woman and man as true equal - always.... never mind value modern law.
None of which matters to me, but the way ALL is bared in this book to me is always the only answer to what are only ever mere foibles... and it certainly helps to share anothers pain - if it is believable and unconfected not-crap said for self pitying effect as so many other chatterati have become, when your own head has been as good as chopped off.
And here is a rif on this same day this rit...
terrible production values but rather real one audio file 14 june on the way to bugger about with the body...
only so i can seek political asylum in some sane country