Thursday 17 June 2021

The lot of them....


17 june 2021

DONT READ UNTIL 20 june things to add in


17 june 2021



To clarify. Throughout all proceedings open on my daughter late 2002 closing 2005 (and the judge himself had said in closing "a quite ordinary custody dispute akin to dozens on my desk on any day") there were never any social services reports or proceedings even called for. This was only a ‘private law’ case. And One of the most very senior judges in the land in 2005 (after receiving immediate vicious hilarious polemical attacking faxes from me on being transferred to him...ohhh how i shall enjoy rereading them one day) then stated the settlement was “remarkable” and should be a “template “ to other parents in a pickle. It became just that.

 Indeed the c100 form which is foundation stone to any of the 50-100 thousand custody disputes annually was reformed in 2010ish to make Parenting Plans the cornerstone of the whole proceedings. My daughter Esti had the first ever in the UK – and this was written up in full in the law books at the time... and then the whole system spent 5 years trying NOT to do their jobs and incorporate this template... 

They should all be done for contempt...i keep brilliant records...That Parenting Plan cost me blood. Is my proudest achievement. 


Today 17 June 2021 from dawn -  05:20 news radio 4 to be precise.  yet again i muse.. “ ahh anther of my babies...”

From dawn today and in fact at great length on radio 4 1pm news ... parents suffering injustice told their tales... and prior to my case 2006 all would have to be muffled or obscured in ways to entirely dehumanise all so that no sniff of who they were or where they lived never mind their names could ever be identifiable

NO one else was attacking that culture...until i did... and i did it because in fact i did not need to protect myself really from injustice but on principle to change the whole rotten thing.... just in case also at some future time i may need the oxygen of disinfecting sunlight....who knows...i may have wanted another child, and some dodgy SS may have decided to seek revenge on me for showing up the whole damn lot of them... this is not a neurotic may even have happened. Later.



In 2009 Camilla Cavendish wrote a rather curious piece – its in the tabs above in the 2008 section, stating that the then famous Websters did not owe their ability to go public to my case (on secrecy). This may strike the observer as curios. Indeed obviously unnecessary.  Why even say so? What agenda?, even. Why complicate a simple change i made in 2006?! Almost a personal deflection away from the core issue in 2008 to SAVE the clayton v clayton precedent that was primary uk legislation and had been since june 2006. Why does she muddy the waters?  Well you may need to see the emails between her and myself, and then her boss – editor Times law section  Frances Gibb.  

Lets just say poor Camilla may have felt sour... that someone had threatened to get her sacked if she was not moved aside so a proper legal brain – Frances, could say the simple straightforward truth. After a month of gobbledygook from the former so called journalist. The Straw proposals of December 2008 were complete hoodwink. And poor Camilla may have felt a bit miffed that we ‘bullied’ her into shutting up as she admitted to me in writing she did not understand ‘the problem’ with Straw's 2008 announcement. And made her personal little revenge .... oh the shabby people one encounters in this country who are so full of self aggrandising bluster. This also includes famous BBC man John Sweeney. John was in regular contact with me later on in 2006 prior to a major London conference on openness. All the great and good were there and me and my daughter were guests of Hemming MP £250 a ticket! Wall LJ, Harriet Harman... and a load of other most senior judges etc.. Sweeney was going to be a speaker and at the last minute he contacted me saying his bosses are getting weird about his attendance. It was all VERY drama queen from him...  He then did NOTHING to stand up for his right to attend this important event. 


These are as i smile again today listening to the radio 4 -  sad for them, my babies...


BUT... forget that. Talk about the definition of failure.

Only fools – i mean corporately – me and every other campaigner from mid 00s – in fact things revved up about 2003... do not admit, we failed. Because although we -  most of us then, were not suffering at the hands of (to quote Wall LJ) Maoist and STASI social workers, we did know one thing: the LAW – and all rule based direction...stated that ALL people paid chunks of money in any arena affecting children – public or private is their duty to act to bring about soft landing....first... help, befriend, assist, build bridges...


THAT was our campaigning thrust then.... always...  and the reports out today show we failed totally. I knew this years ago – in many cases i lay legalled i never met one SS or CAFCASS or family law lawyer or barrister  - those from firms signing up to the above principle (used to be called 'Resolution' approved family lawyers) ....who ever followed these legal first principles. I even lay legalled “against” a man in 2015 who was firmly labelled as ‘with Families Need Fathers”- he had it on his CV he showed the judge  – i suspect on a full rate of pay that day too as his client was wealthy,  who, speaking for the mother worked AGAINT my position to the (famous) High Court judge who then entirely agreed with me!  that parenting agreements and a decent assessment were well overdue in the case ! indeed had never been carried out despite extremely little  contact for the dad with his young daughter, and 18 months of open proceedings and NO real issues ...the case needed immediate fair proper attention from lower courts and cafcass... he actually said to us he would go straight into his office and call the lower court and get them to do just that.... rapido..or else...and yet this 'Families need Fathers' full of himself lay legal - like me granted power of address that day... lobbied for a child to be taken very very abroad to a NON HAGUE country by mother ... without any attempt to also settle some good contact and shared care first! un fucking believable



I had a most uncommon trajectory: happy nobody and quite shy really, and within a year  - late autumn 2003 my two local Mps  (living on the boundary) and senior journalists, would take my calls through to their desk immediately. In 2010 Lord Carlyle's office was happy to hear my voice  - us working together on the most absurd nonsense ‘washout’ bill. Carlyle made it clear he saw through tat mad gobbledygook.  I know what top people really think.


I also had the, then, assurance of being welcomed in to the fold of a range of many year diligent ‘campaigning’ men and women. Mainly mature and careful. In fact the women in quasi official roles in organisations like Families Need Fathers most impressed me (PRIOR to 2005 ish)  – their obvious dull plodding on against a bad system over the years and with no recognition. They all took my calls and in fact immediately took me into their top table.


I knew two things. Firstly that my own homsepun self developed rhetoric was far better than their rather prosaic bureaucratic speak. Not that they were ‘wrong’ as i have heard so many subsequent campaigners clearly are. But I would ramble on “ read much of decent British Literature of the last 200 years and two things are apparent, parents will often selfishly use their children as weapons against a failed once loved... its in we certainly need a tough-love heavier hand all around to make sure when that happens it is stopped....[many good examples to add in]... and secondly once again literature tells us in all sorts of famous books, that children do NOT want to have to make choices or even waste one moment of their fragile young minds even thinking about their parents mess.... that it is even thought a sane solution that children will be any more central to proceedings in person is simply against all enlightenment thought.... take just one superb example of late the rather good movie Catch Me if You Can....and Frank Abnagale  superb wise open google talk a few years ago...


 he is categorical that having child services interview him as a 16 year old (if i remember exact details i have no time at pres to perfectly check all my words but have SUPERB record keeping skills)  even was so traumatic it caused him to become one of the most famous crooks of the century... and his perfect record since never mind superlative career with the Feds i think we may take a bit of note....


And so, a broken down, smelly, wrinkled, scrofulous, hungry, gaunt, hairless, broken teehed old man...sat today on top of a local hill to write this – maybe some reliable signal.... i can still smile at one thing, i know.... Secker, Pelling, May, Apreda, Junk,  McKay the lot of them... the true heroes from 2002ish on trying to start some real changes in ALL those systems – though anti social services campaigning didn’t really get going until maybe 2005 .....

.......i know for an absolute fact – because they knew everyone...and many of them would spend their days shuffling around The Royal Courts of Justice... they even had real friends among the Bar... not one person in late 2005 was even considering having a go at to them all the unbeatable...laws on openness... I had from every court hearing early 2004 on stated “application your on’er... that the court doors be open   ...” and every single one of my companeras / os..laughed or ignored me when i told them of that later.... and i still laugh today at all of that  just how little imagination any had – so cowering... so unable to just believe,  really, in what is right and what is wrong...

blog writing spot today

Ooh.... little spoiler if the film ever gets made. It is ONLY because at times i had a lifestyle with my child as shown in the picture above.... it was to get away from you all and live in health and peace and also guess what its GREAT for good energy so as to be able to do the counter attack paperwork hills put all your silly little pieces of paper well and truly in perspective....

Thats why so many  - almost every single one, except the black judge of 2004 and then the one true gentleman of The Bar  i met in 2005, were prejudiced against me....because we – my daughter and i, lived a tad freer than their norm....and our famous purple-maroon  camper van represented that in their narrow mean spirited  little minds........ but guess what. I won. Game set and fuckin match that .........and THE only objective of these pages is we NEED other to come along who ALL arenas of civic society ... which is why this mist be made into something now. Even if it only grabs a few hundred souls a bit.... because that is how my soul got grabbed to fight for what is right. Bruce's Killing Fields,  Ken’s Cathy....  they matter. And anyone who doesn't know that is a cynic.

Seems i meet a lot of them these days.... and i know that as i went to see a certain person in Bolivia 3 1/2 years ago and flip..... mixing even with the Feminist Marchers of Cochabamba  in their protest one day i realised what a gorgeous country of no cynics really is like....