These city gatekeepers.... won't know or be able to internalise in their self-only viewpoint, as one found so dull at times 2003 -10 ... mobile phones aren't everything and anyway when you chose to live away from folk who think they are, you cannot ever get a good signal on one when you need to use it... or anything online. But it 'adds' to the visceral battle to do anything...
And this as i have to write so fast always battling with pages that only load sometimes... always load more quickly at 5am so its a few hours flurry from them, i sadly make many a typo - which will be put right soon. Any reference to Lord Carlyle - well it proves how forgettable they are even the helpful ones, should be Lord Strathclyde - an extraordinary person to have had as good ally (defence period 2010) which shows that when a key issue is at stake it is way way above any 'personal' politics or feelings and i welcome ANYONE to chip in if they have something useful to contribute. I have no personal feelings ever. Splendid chap - on that issue he saw totally through the Orwellian nonsense HMG brought in in the 2010 washout to everyone's surprise! to 'reverse' the 2006... indeed I believe it took them 2 or 3 years to have the new 2010 bill stamped - enacted it was so dodgy...
and remember well you won't but i do every day. I have lived 9 years in a place that so beautifully represents the fact that even the finest and most solidly built gateposts ...never mind gatekeepers... one day crumble and decay into the gorgeous view from my bedrooom window