DRAFT a cobbling together of some stuff. Not all. Some to be kept back for anything next. Purpose, need a compaƱera or 2 to help get this out. It's time. And what you will not find in this sketch is that bit I wish to share especially with younger social justice warriors or refuseniks: how to do it all so so on the cheap and yet with aplomb; and not let such silly things as megga legal change entirely take over life. Indeed how to live, and fight without stopping still living. Simon Clayton.
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- there's no success like failure, and failure's no success at all
Wednesday 29 March 2023
'begging bowl' update
I am gobsmacked, another pledger.
Thank you. I expected NOTHING.
I truly truly hate sending out cheery messages to suggest people may have any interest ...or more.
And i hate it even more that this blooger.com website thing has gone and auto set itself to numbered lines, AND changed the input pannel completely, and i don't know how to get rid of that, and get back my old fomating.
But all I can say is this that 'they' don't tell Joe Public something about dealing with jouralism, media in general, 'gatekeepers', money, etc., which is off and on over the years - since first book deal offered 2006, i have spent thousands of hours - truly thousands, on various ongoing correspondences with said 'gatekeepers' etc.. at one time or another.
And it is so UTTERLY exhausting, frustrating, draining, mindfuckingly weird. I do not enjoy it. Even half the Eton educated journos these days don't even seem to be able to read a fairly carefully written three paragraphs on an 'issue'. And of course 99% never have the manners to say anything back even if one was in the past a regular correspondent.
So it is far more unpleasant for me to try one last big hustle on this, than any recipient may find it receiving something.