Sunday 19 March 2023

Revamp starts, soon....

 And a fire in the sails, at last having seen such a Mary Anne Evansish BRAVE simply superb true depiction of  - we better not say 'Nazis', perhaps  "Stalinist" may be a little more appropriate, especially as my friend famous very senior social worker  Rachel Bramble,  campaigning against social workers in late 00s "simon problem with my colleagues ....most of them are so THICK.." 

so they won't know what a compliment 'Stalinist' that arguably he slaughtered even more than Adolf... and certainly he did allow his victims to suffer far far longer, in general, before chuckin em down the final the UK 'authorities' do in quite a few arenas....

But forget your world - mine is the hills, and on a good roam today, now that I have seen  Lúcia's  simply spellbinding performance, of the truth, (see post on giveittotheman, that depressed even me, it was so perfectly of the, truth..

They...the English who used the Portuguese 'partners' to hide behind, even did the UNthinkable - they point the finger at a teacher within this simply astonishing film, a nice girly one too, suggesting she may be a little closet Stalinista, too,  instead of some ferkin Florence Nightingale by default

As so many of us have found to be TRUE, in REAL life... 

And then we have something even more impressive than a real life film, a celebrity with a brain, who seems to actually use her own, to care about some real truth - and being as for 20 years I have listened to hundreds speak on these subjects, my radar can detect the  only 1% whom actually DO mean what they say

Inspired, at last, wandering the hills, the inspiration comes (even if she went) have the absolute perfect 5 lines of sales pitch in my little dictaphone

As the Greeks used to say, "kairos" .. fabulous word for all of Ecclesiastes 3 in one word...

Which means soon, all the 'contacts' i have bothered to keep fully updated in my unused address book, for so may years... will get a rather convincing little... nudge.

Ina  land where most seemed to be unable to read as of a decade ago (my chronicles of an environmentalist cover most adequately with so much evidence i am un-sueable..) the line "i rarely even look at emails or messages any more... *...and never facebook,  but call me any time on 07958 52 six three eight one"


*= white lie to check if they can read, as companeras who can read - well it's a REAL life... to battle the REAL Stalinistas...or even get a good movie made

 its astonishing how may messages one has received over the years having actually lied that  one doesnt read messages...

In other words they are oy ever used as evasion. Real women just pick upthe blower, human to human, and shout at you "what the fuck do i have to do, to get you to forget that i once pretended to care...about anything"

 " ahh sweetpea... an hour or two a week just pretending that you werent pretending....

" hustling the money folk on my behalf - maybe someone will invest in something ACTUALLY 'ethical'... which i know you are good at as thats how you were able to afford the expensive castle over here...  despite the lies and deceit you tellin em all you made it from  your own proprietary brand of spiritual organic yoghurt..i know how you really made your get Robbin Hoodin for a GOOD cause peraps... "