Wednesday 19 April 2023


Now, as someone once said, the answer is blowing in the wind


I had forgotten about this one: 

Yes "Bill of Rights" ...

In a time when many seem to have rather lost the plot of what 'rights' even means.

Of course, 'responsibilities' too, to keep to them perhaps...

But one must do ones best..

My 'best' beaten by a bug - blowing all sorts of extremely sour and dangerous gasses from my backside for a week. Just when i needed not to be unusually laid flat

My, my, my....
if there was ever to be a film within a film... it came to me on Easter day.
And i can make that one quite simply alone, on the very fact it has already been done. The rough cut...

Have to get a proper 'film' funded first, or just to stage one... which seemingly i have beautifully failed at. 

But then two weeks ago i discovered again the 'power' of the 'press'.
And why, yes, the 'threat' of going public, really really can work, miracles.
Which reminded me, yes it matters...