Monday 19 June 2023

desktop clearing time

 So quick its daft... roaming in a region with extremely limited laptop (via hotspot tethering) signal..

To almost start at the beginning. The YUK is so poisoned by self pitying fraud one cannot call oneself 'intellectual' Well i am... off grid, super simplified, but i read propper books and think

UK is ONLY about 'fear' and it is fake. 

Rather than stand up against the vested interest who use family chaos for profit, ditto with your old folk... 

except thats an illusion - when Hay-on-Wye parasite (and filmmaker once 'friend'  )Tam is on radio 4 summer 2020 bleating how she 'CARING' for her old people....via PHONE! telling the meedia 'ohh i am a heroine carer ... my whole life is CARING now... its so so heroic ... [by phone1]  a euphemism for she is too avariciously making money for her extremely expensive Hay have had them in a granny flat... or visited them for many months...i have the tape

no one cares. All performance.  I know as of 18ish years ago my own 'people' were the 'sisterhood' who DO run the smaller scale 'communities'. One needs them for ones child - as examples and 'village to raise one'. Forget..

One saw it with Ali the fraud comes along... needs friends..for her kids...great..... (on 'spiritual' quest, on her inherited southern money)...  what she really needs a friend for is to plead - "if you leave your under 10 kids  the [fascist] choice...[ they all wish their children 'freedom'].. as they do chose only to eat all night every night the bags of their tents... after months of this knowing you are [of course one doesnt SAY.. to these mermaids]... i have to withdraw mine as yours only eat poison... "

Abd the funny one a yerar later selling her £20 little bottles of 'colour therapy' -  "dear you know i am easy... placid...never react... one cannot [with you lot in charge]... pray tell... is there any independent writing ...maybe even by a scientist, one of the intellectual ones who has open mind... this remedy you tout here at Hay i would love to know.."

Now a Southern ex civil servant on Her Paulo Coehlo pimped (he is the true criminal) quest to enlightenment several years looking after her kids.. anyway shes a ..just ordinary southern suburban girl doesnt believe in her own snake oil...isn't going to say to your face "fuck off how dare you question my spiritual perfection and remedies.." ... and in fact unusually not even think it...

as her boyfriend (Hay festivals recycling manager) had killed a ferret given to her daughter... by his "it will have its own spiritual journey if it gets out of the cage.. how dare you question my perfect woodland man zen" when he had been told 100 times if they do, they starve to a slow death...cos they arent brought up to learn to forage for themselves... 

The carcass of their dead animal they killed, of course theyll wave fuckin joysticks over... 

so we stopped bothering with this lot (the great majority as the last 15 years developed...

as one dare not ever have a real conversation with them...

So at least this lot dont run away crying ..(and plotting ones downfall - err wrong... they did fuck all ever so no one can knock me of an esteemed quiet humble perch..)

out of only ...well, no one to talk with... drift into attempts at truthful chat...

 ten years of recorded frauds there...

only after (come the day...end day) your LOADS of cash

 2 weeks ago... but i dont just do scrappy little off the cuff vandalism, i write REAl letters and emails too, to justa  few who SEEMED to care...nope they cannot read either

and more than 3 lines UTTERLY disturbs them...of course because they cannot be bothered to write their few paragraphs, say to their MP...nope the fairies will sort it all out...

we will get to here one day - a last return 2 weeks ago...  a gorgeous tale of their lies and deceit...

just a little aide memoir of two frauds...
the rug woman funniest of them all

and as for.... 

now.. though 100% retired  - meaning at last i have my youth back... because THE hairloss product was 20 years ...of ones own 'side' 
which got far worse the last decade - the insidious undermining - which is their loss, as i get things done... or did, as one need allies to do anything in the environment...

And a gorgeous chronicle of it being absolutely impossible to get any... 
is the remedy
as their antics only a true comedy

But you dont get (an embarrassing and THEATRICAL page here if you havent had to spend a wonderful day with a tough bit*ch ..take her to your childs sports day with you ..and she checks you out not only pure, but the real deal...)

full page in Torygraph - even they will weave a melodrama for clicks...  unless despite her useless books if late
they understand a whole CULTURE of secrecy and vested interest antics are attacked at the root by this legal case..its for OTHER areas of law too...she had a lovely hour with my lass and knew we couldnt give a shit about continued TV stuff or news paper... nonsense ...

its a TEST of ALL  citizens rights...fundamental use of HRA ... 
top level judges (THEATRICALLY put in by Wall) means absolute foundational new cornerstone of the future THEATRE of lore...

more soon....all the way time, now..