Saturday 17 June 2023

ohhh it is so dulll...

 when one must keep attempting to inform the mermaids (other site has essay on how heir true crimes were they failed to hold the mainly male evil habitat account,... or at least bring some actual sense  - all he proto mermaids i knew 90s and early 00s knew that was their (last few centuries..) role... 

its so boring how the ones surfing the wave inbound the last 20 or 15 years think the "divine" connected energy of he universe, where one isnt allowed to 'generalise' that hey all fail to pay their accounts... far too special for that

(we are talking QUEENs of community and sustainable movements now... over a long time..i never snap or make snap judgement... but hey cannot read .. or pay their accounts... so as i may charge my bateries up by actually moving...on)

82-61-39; 00416711... of course our absurd bank so called techies make it impossible to fillin heir boxes  without 'stress' ( i have none - havent for years..)... one statement says  Mr Simon Clayton, one card says Mr s a clayton... virgin of hose combos will work  and i wasted so so many hours on he fraud of so many mermaids over 10 years - oh yes and what HEY did o a woman  i had under wing...i am not he nasty sexist pig.... wait til they are 'challenged' by someone younger and MUCH fitter than them.... that is when their anti-environmental (ism - required young blood who were not THEM... hey blocked so cynically - all recorded...)  knives get sharpened....

i wasted so much time...except i waste nothing - it will all be recycled into the truth day