Saturday 8 July 2023


 i thought here was a contact box....hmm i need a friend in Bristol (havent touched a female 7 years..very fussy - many here nuts - long wanted collaborator - or even if secret private warriorish sidecick..on some of the same pages) ... maybe i can find just one new new paradigm  - seemingly only about 1% can get (' all that we have done for years has FAILED - time to grow up and roll out some real true stories no holds barred...stop DEMANDING we tell young adults what to think - tell them ONLY stories and let them make up their own Rachel Kushner does...and only a very few others - thats what GREAT culture was from mid 70s..cos most of our science from Dawkins to the mind doctors...last 5 years has been shown to be WRONG...)

 07958 52 six three 81 

i live in poor signal area... ALWAYS pick up but often signal wonky

and i go somewhere to OHER main thing....a lot. I like it now.

I have true purpose. 

Texts get through perhaps more reliably

especially from people who can think for themselves....